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09/04/2011 -
technical sheet ref.: rev. no.: date: page: Stretchfor rescue lanyard T-4673 0 06/08 1/3 The Stretchfor rescue lanyard has been designed as a dual purpose shock absorbing lanyard that meets both fall arrest and rescue applications.The primary function of the Stretchfor rescue lanyard is to serve as a shock absorber which arrests a fall by reducing the impact forces and absorbing the energy that occurs during the fall. The Stretchfor rescue lanyard s secondary function is to act as a rescue

09/04/2011 -
technical sheet ref.: rev. no.: date: page: Blocfor® 20-ft. (6 m) self-retracting web lifeline T-4642C 3 09/09 1/2 The Blocfor® 20-ft. (6 m) self-retracting web lifeline provides freedom of movement to workers performing their job at various heights. This device performs a tethering function while allowing vertical movement to the maximum working length of 20 ft. (6 m). The Blocfor® 20 ft. (6 m) will arrest a fall by locking the drum when quick movement is experienced and is designed to m

09/04/2011 -
technical sheet Specifications Codes ref.: rev. no.: date: page: Safety ropes Polyblend 5 D8 in. Polyblend 3 D4 in. Nylon T-4567 8 08/07 1/2 Superline G9058 G9034 G3058 G8058 Material Polyester and polypropylene blend Polyester and polypropylene blend Nylon Polypropylene Diameter 5 D8 in.

09/04/2011 -
technical sheet ref.: rev. no.: date: page: Tracpac lightweight shock-absorbing lanyard T-4579U 7 07/08 1/2 The Tracpac lightweight shock-absorbing lanyard is composed of a shock absorber to which a 11 D16-in. (27 mm) lightweight web lanyard is attached. The shock absorber is covered with a tubular polyester sleeve. When a fall occurs, the sudden stop caused by the fall arrest system submits the human body to a high impact force (the longer the free fall distance, the higher the force). The

09/04/2011 -
technical sheet ref.: rev. no.: date: page: Aerial lift kits T-4609U 4 09/09 1/3 Tractel® offers a harness and lanyard combination sewn together, supplied in a bag especially designed for aerial lift applications. For further information, refer to Use and Maintenance Instructions  for harnesses, belts and lanyards and to the T-4603U and T-4604 technical sheets. Features " Lightweight " Harness has 3-point adjustment " Sewn sub-pelvic strap " Adjustable chest strap " Quick connect leg

09/04/2011 -
technical sheet ref.: rev. no.: date: page: Wire rope lanyard with shock-absorbing device T-4626U 1 07/08 1/2 The wire rope lanyard with shock-absorbing device is composed of a shock absorber to which a 5 D16-in. (16 mm) vinyl covered wire rope lanyard is attached. The shock absorber is covered with a tubular polyester sleeve. It is designed to be used as a connecting device in a personal fall arrest, work positioning or travel restraint system. The wire rope lanyard with shockabsorbing devi

09/04/2011 -
technical sheet ref.: rev. no.: date: page: Fallprotec temporary horizontal wire rope lifeline system T-4545 2 02/07 1/3 Tractel s horizontal wire rope lifeline system is a low-stretch, semipermanent, single-line system. Suspended between two approved anchorage points, the system provides worker fall protection during horizontal movement. Strong, lightweight and quick to install, the system also helps provide protection from a pendulum fall when used correctly. WARNING Regulations state th

09/04/2011 -
technical sheet ref.: rev. no.: date: page: Safety tieback anchors U-bar models T-4600 2 02/07 1/4 U-bar safety tieback anchors The standard U-bar safety tieback anchors are the economical solution for securing secondary safety lifelines or for equipment tieback. All varieties of standard models are available for every mounting method. All our anchors are designed to meet or exceed all applicable safety codes, regulations and standards where applicable, including FEDOSHA, CALOSHA, ASME/ANSI

Knauf Racing Team : en route pour une nouvelle saison
Knauf Racing Team : en route pour une nouvelle saison
08/02/2018 -
COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE / FÉVRIER 2018 en ligne sur L expertise d AGC au service de la performance énergétique sur EnerJmeeting 2018 AGC, le leader mondial du verre plat, confirme sa participation à l EnerJmeeting 2018 qui rassemble, le 8 mars, au Palais Brongniart, plus de 2.000 participants décideurs de la maîtrise d ouvrage et maîtrise d Suvre du bâtiment. Rénovation énergétique et premiers retours d expérience sur le Label E+ C- constituent les thématiques...

WD-40 au 1er semestre 2014 : « on the road again »
WD-40 au 1er semestre 2014 : « on the road again »
02/01/2014 -
communiqué de presse / janvier 2014 en ligne sur WD-40 au 1er semestre 2014 : « on the road again » Spécialiste mondial du marché des produits dégrippants, nettoyants et lubrifiants, WD-40 destine depuis 60 ans ses solutions haute efficacité aux professionnels comme aux bricoleurs, à travers des gammes adaptées. Allié fidèle de tous les véhicules motorisés, à deux ou quatre roues, WD-40 accompagne au quotidien bikers, automobilistes et autres afficionados des sports mécaniques....

Blanc: 691 010 Noir: Gris:
Blanc: 691 010 Noir: Gris:
10/03/2012 -
Blanc: Noir: Gris: 691 010 691 011 691 012 Dimension Accessoire (L x l x h mm) 310 x 40 x 55 COPYRIGHT 2009 ­ KAUFEL THOMAS & BETTS

LAHO ÉQUIPEMENT redynamise sa communication
LAHO ÉQUIPEMENT redynamise sa communication
25/11/2010 -
COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE octobre 2009 en ligne sur LAHO ÉQUIPEMENT redynamise sa communication À l'occasion de ses 75 ans, LAHO EQUIPEMENT repense son identité visuelle et inaugure une nouvelle signature ainsi qu'un nouveau personnage. Objectif : affirmer son statut de 3ème loueur français, renforcer son positionnement sur les métiers du bâtiment, coeur de cible originel de la marque et mettre en avant sa différenciation vis-à-vis des autres filiales du Groupe. Visuels...

Report Q2 2021 Akzonobel
Report Q2 2021 Akzonobel
12/07/2024 -
Q2 21 Bringing color and inspiration to Port Moresby The surface of a bland concrete wall in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, has been brought to life thanks to one of our latest Let's Colour  projects. The 100-meter-long wall was transformed into something far more colorful and inspiring with the help of 212 liters of our Taubmans paint. The work was carried out by 13 AkzoNobel volunteers, who teamed up with 25 young people we trained in the local community. The project involved creating a colorful...

156 156 bis 157 254 277 PROFIBUS
156 156 bis 157 254 277 PROFIBUS
09/04/2011 -
UNITRONIC BUS L2/FIP Câbles BUS pour systèmes PROFIBUS-DP / FMS et F.I.P. (FIPWAY) NORMES : Selon DIN 19245 et EN 50170 pour SIMATIC NET de Siemens et F.I.P. de Schneider Automation Non propagation de la flamme : IEC 60332.1-2 ou IEC 60332-3 pour version FRNC Homologation : UL/CSA, CMX et CMG (selon version) Débit binaire de transmission : selon spécifications de l'organisme des membres utilisateurs P RoHS : conforme à la directive européenne 2003/11/CE CARACTERISTIQUES CONSTRUCTIVES Ames...