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22/08/2024 - www.edilfibro.it
Contratto Collettivo Nazionale di lavoro 12 febbraio 2020 per i dipendenti delle Aziende produttrici di Laterizi e Manufatti Cementizi 1 CONTRATTO COLLETTIVO NAZIONALE DI LAVORO PER I DIPENDENTI DELLE AZIENDE PRODUTTRICI DI: a) Elementi e componenti in laterizio e prefabbricati in laterocemento; b) Manufatti in calcestruzzo armato e non, in cemento, in gesso e piastrelle. Addì, 12 febbraio 2020 tra Confindustria Ceramica  Raggruppamento Laterizi, rappresentata dal Presidente della Comm

Caratteristiche: accessorio fresa
Caratteristiche: accessorio fresa
01/12/2010 - www.bobcat.eu
Frese Accessori Frese Caratteristiche tecniche Vantaggi Applicazioni Trasmissione diretta, motore idraulico a coppia elevata. Questi accessori richiedono scarsa manutenzione e fresano efficacemente superfici in asfalto o calcestruzzo. Lo spostamento laterale idraulico è ottimale per livellare pareti e rialzi. Controllo costante della profondità e profondità della lama visibile dalla postazione dell operatore. I controlli azionabili con la punta delle dita consentono regolazioni precis

03/12/2024 - www.bettermann.de
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CONTRAFLAM® LITE 90 Climaplus Horizontal - Vetrotech
CONTRAFLAM® LITE 90 Climaplus Horizontal - Vetrotech
15/07/2020 - www.vetrotech.com
FICHE DONNEES Verre isolant conformement a EN 1279 CONTRAFLAM® Lite 90 Climaplus Horizontal Verre de securite resistant au feu pour une utilisation interieure et exterieure CLASSEMENT EW =P  are-flammes + Reduction du rayonnement thermique L etancheite au feu (E) est l aptitude d un element de construction a resister au passage de quantites importantes de flammes ou de gaz chauds du feu vers le cote non expose, qui pourraient entrainer la propagation du feu a la surface non exposee ou

Ki 162 Fuego Light Fb4
Ki 162 Fuego Light Fb4
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@ new 162-22/INT forster forster fuego light: Durchschusshemmende Brandschutzt?r EI30-FB4 NS Porte coupe-feu et pare-balles EI30-FB4 NS Bulletproof fire resistant door EI30-FB4 NS " Identisches Erscheinungsbild wie die Standard Brandschutzt?re " In Stahl und Edelstahl " Durchschussgepr?fte Wandanschl?sse " 4-seitig umlaufende Dichtungsebene " Fl?chenb?ndige verblechte T?r EI30 ohne zus?tzliche Verst?rkungen " Identische max. Abmessungen wie die Standard Brandschutzt?r " Sicherheitsgl

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Certificate number: 2311797 (2) Issued Expires 21/12/2023 04/12/2028 Kiwa Regulation 4 (KUKreg4) Certification Evaluation Guideline  Kiwa UK  EG004  Regulation 4(1)(a) Model number(s)  see Appendix A.O. Smith Water Products Company b.v. Kiwa Watertec declares that legitimate confidence exists in the products specified in this certificate and supplied by the above organisation be relied upon to comply with the Kiwa Evaluation Guideline referred above. Which verifies the requirements of: Re

Dop Ati Mf Pro 001 0718
Dop Ati Mf Pro 001 0718
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DoP Declaration of performance Déclaration de performances N°ATI-MF-PRO-001-0718 EN 13859-1:2010 EN 13859-2:2010 1. Unique identification of the product-type / code d'identification unique du produit type : ATI MF PRO 2. Type : batch or serial number or any other element allowing identification of the construction product as required pursuant to Article 11(4) / Identification du produit de construction, conformément à l'article 11 § 4 du Règlement (UE) N° 305/2011 : ATI PRO Producti

Nouvelle pergola bioclimatique KANOPÉE, le bonheur du plein air en toutes saisons (presse grand public)
Nouvelle pergola bioclimatique KANOPÉE, le bonheur du plein air en toutes saisons (presse grand public)
29/09/2016 - www.andresudrie.com
INFORMATION Presse Janvier 2015 kanopée NOUVELLE PERGOLA BIOCLIMATIQUE Le bonheur du plein air en toutes saisons n Barbecue, après-midi farniente, dîner en terrasse & nombreux sont les particuliers qui aiment passer du temps à l extérieur. Malheureusement, la pluie, le vent ou un soleil trop brûlant ne permettent pas toujours de rester dehors. Pour profiter du plein air toute l année sans avoir à subir les caprices de la météo, KAWNEER lance KANOPÉE, une nouvelle pergola bioclima

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Arpa Sustainability Pp 2020
Arpa Sustainability Pp 2020
03/08/2024 - www.arpaindustriale.com
SUSTAINABILITY POSITION PAPER MATERIALIZING SUSTAINABILITY ARPA. MATERIALIZING SUSTAINABILITY Introduction The company Sustainability is not something you dream about, but something you do. It's about acting. This is why Arpa always takes actions that provide a win' for the environment, our business, our company and our clients. This is how we continuously improve and materialize sustainability. Sustainability at Arpa is about common sense, a fact-based approach and complete integration i