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Groupe Lesage Techni Prefa
Groupe Lesage Techni Prefa
10/03/2025 -
Information presse Mars 2025 Le Groupe Lesage renforce son activit? charpente en acqu?rant Techni Prefa Le Groupe Lesage, dont fait partie l'industriel Rector, a sign? l'acquisition de l'entreprise Techni Prefa fin 2024. Sp?cialis?e dans les ?l?ments de charpente, de travaux publics et de g?nie civil en b?ton pr?fabriqu?, l'entreprise n?o-aquitaine devient une filiale ind?pendante et autonome du Groupe tout en renfor?ant sa position. Implant?e ? Thouars dans les Deux S?vres (79) depuis plus de 35 ans, Techni Prefa dispose d'une usine en capacit? de produire des ?l?ments de structure et des murs coupe-feu venant compl?ter l'offre charpente d?j? existante au sein du groupe. Cette nouvelle acquisition...

BAC EvaporativeCoolingYes S320v01EN
BAC EvaporativeCoolingYes S320v01EN
27/02/2025 -
? yes evaporative cooling delivering the benefits of cooling towers and evaporative condensers Protecting the environment with evaporative cooling Minimum water usage M Minimum space any processes, particularly in industrial applications, still use water for cooling purposes in a so-called once-through system . The resulting thermal pollution and waste of this costly resource can be avoided with a system that recirculates the cooling water. The principle of evaporative cooling used in cooling towers and evaporative condensers saves over 95% of the recirculated water whilst providing other important environmental benefits. ecause of its greater efficiency evaporative cooling equipment...

BAC General OpenCoolingTowers EN
BAC General OpenCoolingTowers EN
27/02/2025 -
G BAC participates in the CTI-ECC programme for cooling towers Check ongoing validity of certificate: www. A Best S1500E S3000E PTE VT0 / VT1 VTL-E Capacity 8 - 215 l/s 16 - 285 l/s 12- 170 l/s 7 - 455 l/s 3 - 130 l/s Configuration Crossflow Crossflow Counterflow Counterflow Counterflow Air entry Axial fan Induced draft Axial fan Induced draft

Eurovent CTI Article EN V01
Eurovent CTI Article EN V01
27/02/2025 -
Eurovent Certita Certification (ECC) & Cooling Technology Institute (CTI) together provide industry certification of Cooling Towers and Closed Circuit Coolers covering the world. Performance certification is the basis for Endusers, consultants, Contractors, Manufacturers and Government to ensure correct investment in quality products. THE BASIC REQUIREMENT OF EVAPORATIVE COOLING EQUIPMENT & & Is rejecting the heat to the atmosphere of the process that needs to be cooled. At first sight an obvious statement, BUT it is not. By using the right methodology, an amount of heat can be rejected to the atmosphere. However knowing exactly how the evaporative cooling equipment rejects the heat is a challenge....

BAC CoolingTowerCertification PRD1403v01EN
BAC CoolingTowerCertification PRD1403v01EN
27/02/2025 -
Cooling Tower Certification ...level competitive playground. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? TO THE INDUSTRY 99 Faster product development 99 Products with higher efficiency 99 CO2 footprint improvement TO YOU 99 Thermal performance assured 99 No field testing required 99 Value for money BAC participates in the ECC programme for cooling towers. Check ongoing validity of certificate: INSIST ON Eurovent certified cooling towers EUROVENT cooling tower certification programme 99 Easy access for ALL European manufacturers 99 Lab/field testing possible in Europe 99 Eurovent Certification Company assures European presence Note: " Certification programmes for other evaporative...

Guida Coprax ENG 2018 Light
Guida Coprax ENG 2018 Light
26/02/2025 -

Lotus USB20BD
Lotus USB20BD
16/02/2025 -
PRODUCT ADVICE SHEET LOTUS WALLPAPER - 20 Every roll of Farrow & Ball wallpaper is handcrafted with care at our factory in Dorset. Using our own, richly pigmented paint, traditional techniques and bespoke equipment, we print on responsibly sourced paper. Printing paint on paper creates a beautifully tactile finish and means each roll is utterly unique. Using our paint in particular ensures every design has the richness and depth of colour we're known for and works wonderfully with our paint used on other surfaces. You won't find wallpaper like ours anywhere else. Paper Information: The Art Nouveau-inspired Lotus brings a touch of 19th-century elegance to homes both traditional and contemporary....

Lotus GBB20BD
Lotus GBB20BD
16/02/2025 -
PRODUCT ADVICE SHEET LOTUS WALLPAPER - 20 Every roll of Farrow & Ball wallpaper is handcrafted with care at our factory in Dorset. Using our own, richly pigmented paint, traditional techniques and bespoke equipment, we print on responsibly sourced paper. Printing paint on paper creates a beautifully tactile finish and means each roll is utterly unique. Using our paint in particular ensures every design has the richness and depth of colour we're known for and works wonderfully with our paint used on other surfaces. You won't find wallpaper like ours anywhere else. Paper Information: The Art Nouveau-inspired Lotus brings a touch of 19th-century elegance to homes both traditional and contemporary....

Lotus DEB20BD
Lotus DEB20BD
16/02/2025 -
PRODUKT-RATSCHL?GE LOTUS WALLPAPER - 20 Jede Rolle Farrow & Ball-Tapete wird in unserer Fabrik in Dorset mit Sorgfalt handgefertigt. Mit unserer eigenen, reich pigmentierten Farbe, traditionellen Techniken und ma?geschneiderter Ausr?stung drucken wir auf verantwortungsvoll gewonnenem Papier. Das Drucken von Farbe auf Papier sorgt f?r eine sch?ne haptische Oberfl?che und macht jede Rolle zu einem absoluten Unikat. Die Verwendung unserer Farbe gew?hrleistet, dass jedes Design den Reichtum und die Tiefe der Farben hat, f?r die wir bekannt sind, und dass es wunderbar mit unserer Farbe auf anderen Oberfl?chen zusammenarbeitet. Sie werden nirgendwo anders Tapeten wie unsere finden. Tapeteninformation: Ein...

Lotus CNB20BD
Lotus CNB20BD
16/02/2025 -
N?T???f LOTUS WALLPAPER - 20 bN?X?~?N?T?Ou(??R6v?s?O?l4`'m?e?T???T??(~?_ 0 ~?_ O?`o? S?gPN?19N~?l?V?hchH?De???Ny?O??v?bK]???? W?0Lotusf/Nk>??hv?X?~?? g Y'??g?[?bRg`'v?V?hH0_:p?V? v?QI??w@[???N?? ONKbN:Nk>N?N?w@??v?[?O????0 V?hHS?? h7g,Q?? N Nh7g,Q?? BP 20 Present and Correct The Lotus Papers V?hH??Y / ga[-? etSw[-^?? k?Sw?^?? 53cm/21" 10m/11yd ???-^???? N:??R0gOseHg?? ??l?aNk!???-[?b??O??yv?b@?v???Yep??v?X?~?0??f/u1X?~?R6? ]??zv?O ~?ry`'b@Q?[?v?? V?N:T~? ?-v?X?~?SN??ge??N?N T v?mAl4~n? `?SN??OS?s?N T byk!NK??g N?~?_?OFff>v?]?_0bN?^???`?Y??NSwX?~?? N??2??|?X? ~?e?Q?s?aY N?OU`?Q?N `?????bKY4uYN?[?OY? u(N?e?TO??e0lnb-I???4b??|?cg?Q?O?0 g QsY?OUN:`?v?N NN*?yv?{?X?~?u(??v?^???? ???T|?bN?v?[?g ? N?N?O_?NPa^.R?`?0 ??|?]?l?aN??y? ={?bN?v??(??c?R6?????(c?SARN%h...

Lotus CAB20BD
Lotus CAB20BD
16/02/2025 -
PRODUCT ADVICE SHEET LOTUS WALLPAPER - 20 Every roll of Farrow & Ball wallpaper is handcrafted with care at our factory in Dorset. Using our own, richly pigmented paint, traditional techniques and bespoke equipment, we print on responsibly sourced paper. Printing paint on paper creates a beautifully tactile finish and means each roll is utterly unique. Using our paint in particular ensures every design has the richness and depth of colour we're known for and works wonderfully with our paint used on other surfaces. You won't find wallpaper like ours anywhere else. Paper Information: The Art Nouveau-inspired Lotus brings a touch of 19th-century elegance to homes both traditional and contemporary....

Lattice SED35BY
Lattice SED35BY
16/02/2025 -
PRODUKTANVISNINGSBLAD LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Alla Farrow & Ball -tapeter ?r tillverkade av milj?v?nligt papper och v?r egen vattenbaserade f?rg med l?g VOC-halt. Pappersinformation: Lattice har sitt ursprung i franska 1800-talsarkiv och ?r en tapet som man upplever med flera sinnen. Det b?ljande m?nstret bildar krusningar l?ngs med v?ggytan och ger ett suggestivt och hypnotiskt intryck. Lattice ?r fr?ck och elegant, modig och anspr?ksl?st chic. M?nsternummer: Bok: F?reg?ende bok: BP 35 Latest and Greatest N/A M?nsterrapport/Randbredd: Full rullbredd: Rull?ngd: 2.6cm (11 1/16") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd F?rvaringsr?d: F?r b?sta resultat, t?nk p? att best?lla tillr?ckligt m?nga rullar till...

Lattice ROD35BY
Lattice ROD35BY
16/02/2025 -
Foaie de sfaturi pentru produs LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 responsabile Volum: Volum anterior: BP 35 Latest and Greatest N/A 2.6cm (11 1/16") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Culori ?nchise: tapetul de finisare. Aplicarea tapetului: Cum pot fi evitate probleme comune: Lustruirea/Luciul: solid. Exfoliere/Ridicare: anteriormontajului . Colorarea: aplicare. Model nepotrivit: Main, Deutschland, +49 (0) 69 2424 6269. Issue Date: 04/09/2023

Lattice PTD35BY
Lattice PTD35BY
16/02/2025 -
INFORMA??O SOBRE O PRODUTO LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Todos os pap?is de parede da Farrow & Ball s?o fabricados utilizando papel amigo do ambiente e a nossa pr?pria Pintura ? base de ?gua com baixo conte?do de COV. Informa??o sobre o papel: Proveniente de arquivos franceses do s?culo XIX, o Lattice ? um papel de parede com uma classe evidente. O padr?o ondulante percorre toda a extens?o do papel, criando um design fascinante e hipnotizante. O Lattice ? ousado e elegante, destemido e modestamente chique. N?mero do padr?o: Livro: Livro anterior: BP 35 Latest and Greatest N/A Repeti??o do padr?o/Largura da listra: Largura total do rolo: Comprimento do rolo: 2.6cm (11 1/16") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Indica??es...

Lattice NLD35BY
Lattice NLD35BY
16/02/2025 -
PRODUCTADVIES LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Alle Farrow & Ball behang wordt gemaakt met milieuvriendelijk papier en onze eigen, laag VOS-gehalte, watergedragen verf. Behanginformatie: Lattice, een ontwerp uit 19de eeuwse Franse archieven, is een behang van tastbare klasse. Het wervelende patroon kronkelt over de gehele lengte van het behang en cre?ert een betoverend, hypnotiserend dessin. Lattice is eigenzinnig en elegant, pittig en bescheiden chic. Patroonnummer: Behangboek: Voorafgaande behangboek: BP 35 Latest and Greatest N/A Patroonherhaling/Stripbreedte: Rolbreedte: Rollengte: 2.6cm (11 1/16") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Advies voor het bestellen van ons behang: We raden u aan om voldoende...

Lattice JAD35BY
Lattice JAD35BY
16/02/2025 -
??T?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0? LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Farrow?Ball 0nX?}0o0Y0y0f0t?X?0k?Man0W0_}0kr???0nONVOCl4|?XWe?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0W0fO?0?0f0D0~0Y0 X?}0k??0Y0?`?X1: 19N}0nN?0?0?0?0?0?0K0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?_?0_ Lattice 0o0Y0P0k0]0?0h0?0K0?0o0c0M0?0h0W0_0?0n0?0?`'0?0?0c0f0D0~0Y0 }0nzN0K0?zN0~0g0?0F0m0?0?0F0jg?0L?E`?v?0gw 0?0???0D0~0Y0Lattice 0om>bK0U0h0?0?0?0?0?0l??0U0hN T?0U0?Q|0mP?0H0_0?0?0?0?0g0Y0 0?0n0?0?0?0?0?0?: 0?0?0?T : N?RM0n0?0?0?T : BP 35 Latest and Greatest N/A 0?0n0?0?0n0?0?0?0?/0?0?0?0?0?0n^E: 0?0?0?0n^E: 0?0?0?0n?w0U: 2.6cm (11 1/16") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd 0Tl?e?0n??0nl?aN??: 0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0k_??0j0?0?0?ep0?0?0Ox???0nN 0Tl?e?0O0`0U0D0_ y>0g0oO}qv?0j]?l?0gX?}0????...

Lattice ITD35BY
Lattice ITD35BY
16/02/2025 -
SCHEDA INFORMATIVA PRODOTTO LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Tutte le carte da parati Farrow & Ball vengono create utilizzando carta ecologica e la nostra pittura basata su acqua a basso livello di composti organici volatili (VOC). Informazioni sulla carta: Ottenuta dagli archivi francesi del 19? secolo, Lattice ? una carta da parati di classe evidente. Il motivo ondulato si diffonde per tutta la lunghezza della carta, creando un disegno magnetico e ipnotico. Lattice ? sgargiante ed elegante, coraggioso e modestamente chic. Numero motivo: Libro: Libro precedente: BP 35 Latest and Greatest N/A Ripetizione motivo/Larghezza striscia: Larghezza totale rotolo: Lunghezza rotolo: 2.6cm (11 1/16") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Informazioni...

Lattice CA2D35BY
Lattice CA2D35BY
16/02/2025 -
FICHE INFORMATIONS PRODUIT LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Chaque rouleau de papier peint Farrow & Ball est fabriqu? ? la main avec soin dans notre usine du Dorset. Nous utilisons notre propre peinture richement pigment?e, des techniques traditionnelles et des ?quipements sur mesure pour imprimer sur du papier issu de sources responsables. L'impression de la peinture sur papier cr?e une finition magnifiquement tactile ; de plus, chaque rouleau est totalement unique. L'utilisation de notre peinture en particulier garantit que chaque motif a la richesse et la profondeur de couleur qui font notre r?putation et se marie ? merveille avec notre peinture appliqu?e sur d'autres surfaces. Vous ne trouverez nulle...

Lattice BED35BY
Lattice BED35BY
16/02/2025 -
FICHE INFORMATIONS PRODUIT LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 responsable. Informations sur le motif : R?f. Motif : Liasse : Liasse pr?c?dente : BP 35 Latest and Greatest N/A Raccord/Largeur de la rayure : Largeur totale du rouleau : Longueur du rouleau : 2.6cm (11 1/16") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Conseils pour commander : Pour obtenir les meilleurs r?sultats, veuillez-vous assurer de commander un nombre suffisant de rouleaux pour achever votre projet de d?coration, car en raison de nos m?thodes traditionnelles de fabrication, les rouleaux de papier peint command?s ult?rieurement pourront calculer le nombre de rouleaux n?cessaires ? votre projet, veuillez contacter notre Service Clients qui se fera...

Lattice FRD35BY
Lattice FRD35BY
16/02/2025 -
FICHE INFORMATIONS PRODUIT LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Chaque rouleau de papier peint Farrow & Ball est fabriqu? ? la main avec soin dans notre usine du Dorset. Nous utilisons notre propre peinture richement pigment?e, des techniques traditionnelles et des ?quipements sur mesure pour imprimer sur du papier issu de sources responsables. L'impression de la peinture sur papier cr?e une finition magnifiquement tactile ; de plus, chaque rouleau est totalement unique. L'utilisation de notre peinture en particulier garantit que chaque motif a la richesse et la profondeur de couleur qui font notre r?putation et se marie ? merveille avec notre peinture appliqu?e sur d'autres surfaces. Vous ne trouverez nulle...

Lattice US2D35BY
Lattice US2D35BY
16/02/2025 -
CONSEJOS SOBRE EL PRODUCTO LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Todos los papeles pintados de Farrow & Ball se fabrican empleando papel ecol?gico con y nuestra propia pintura al agua con bajo contenido en COV. Informaci?n sobre el papel: Procedente de los archivos franc?s del s. XIX, Lattice es un papel pintado de una clase palpable. El ondulante dise?o se riza a lo largo de todo el papel, creando un efecto fascinante e hipn?tico. Lattice es atrevido y elegante, valiente y modestamente chic. N?mero de dise?o: Libro: Libro anterior: BP 35 Latest and Greatest N/A Repetici?n del dise?o/Ancho de la raya: Ancho total del rollo: Longitud del rollo: 2.6cm (11 1/16") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Consejos sobre...

Lattice ESD35BY
Lattice ESD35BY
16/02/2025 -
CONSEJOS SOBRE EL PRODUCTO LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Todos los papeles pintados de Farrow & Ball se fabrican empleando papel ecol?gico con y nuestra propia pintura al agua con bajo contenido en COV. Informaci?n sobre el papel: Procedente de los archivos franc?s del s. XIX, Lattice es un papel pintado de una clase palpable. El ondulante dise?o se riza a lo largo de todo el papel, creando un efecto fascinante e hipn?tico. Lattice es atrevido y elegante, valiente y modestamente chic. N?mero de dise?o: Libro: Libro anterior: BP 35 Latest and Greatest N/A Repetici?n del dise?o/Ancho de la raya: Ancho total del rollo: Longitud del rollo: 2.6cm (11 1/16") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Consejos sobre...

Lattice USD35BY
Lattice USD35BY
16/02/2025 -
PRODUCT ADVICE SHEET LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Every roll of Farrow & Ball wallpaper is handcrafted with care at our factory in Dorset. Using our own, richly pigmented paint, traditional techniques and bespoke equipment, we print on responsibly sourced paper. Printing paint on paper creates a beautifully tactile finish and means each roll is utterly unique. Using our paint in particular ensures every design has the richness and depth of colour we're known for and works wonderfully with our paint used on other surfaces. You won't find wallpaper like ours anywhere else. Paper Information: While based on a 19th-century design, Lattice has an undeniable sense of modernity. Its lines flow from finely...

Lattice GBD35BY
Lattice GBD35BY
16/02/2025 -
PRODUCT ADVICE SHEET LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Every roll of Farrow & Ball wallpaper is handcrafted with care at our factory in Dorset. Using our own, richly pigmented paint, traditional techniques and bespoke equipment, we print on responsibly sourced paper. Printing paint on paper creates a beautifully tactile finish and means each roll is utterly unique. Using our paint in particular ensures every design has the richness and depth of colour we're known for and works wonderfully with our paint used on other surfaces. You won't find wallpaper like ours anywhere else. Paper Information: While based on a 19th-century design, Lattice has an undeniable sense of modernity. Its lines flow from finely...

Lattice DED35BY
Lattice DED35BY
16/02/2025 -
PRODUKT-RATSCHL?GE LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Jede Rolle Farrow & Ball-Tapete wird in unserer Fabrik in Dorset mit Sorgfalt handgefertigt. Mit unserer eigenen, reich pigmentierten Farbe, traditionellen Techniken und ma?geschneiderter Ausr?stung drucken wir auf verantwortungsvoll gewonnenem Papier. Das Drucken von Farbe auf Papier sorgt f?r eine sch?ne haptische Oberfl?che und macht jede Rolle zu einem absoluten Unikat. Die Verwendung unserer Farbe gew?hrleistet, dass jedes Design den Reichtum und die Tiefe der Farben hat, f?r die wir bekannt sind, und dass es wunderbar mit unserer Farbe auf anderen Oberfl?chen zusammenarbeitet. Sie werden nirgendwo anders Tapeten wie unsere finden. Tapeteninformation: Aus...

Lattice CND35BY
Lattice CND35BY
16/02/2025 -
N?T???f LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 bN?X?~?N?T?Ou(??R6v?s?O?l4`'m?e?T???T??(~?_ 0 ~?_ O?`o? S?gPN?19N~?l?V?hchH?De?? Lattice ^N?SNaw?N|{v?X?~?0?wOv?l?~?V?hH?/zet_ X?~?? R? Q?Nk>??N?v?0Qwg h?^{eHg?v?????0Lattice SNN=0O??0R?eb0g4} R+??0 V?hHS?? h7g,Q?? N Nh7g,Q?? BP 35 Latest and Greatest N/A V?hH??Y / ga[-? etSw[-^?? k?Sw?^?? 2.6cm (11 1/16") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd ???-^???? N:??R0gOseHg?? ??l?aNk!???-[?b??O??yv?b@?v???Yep??v?X?~?0??f/u1X?~?R6? ]??zv?O ~?ry`'b@Q?[?v?? V?N:T~? ?-v?X?~?SN??ge??N?N T v?mAl4~n? `?SN??OS?s?N T byk!NK??g N?~?_?OFff>v?]?_0bN?^???`?Y??NSwX?~?? N??2??|?X? ~?e?Q?s?aY N?OU`?Q?N `?????bKY4uYN?[?OY? u(N?e?TO??e0lnb-I???4b??|?cg?Q?O?0 g QsY?OUN:`?v?N NN*?yv?{?X?~?u(??v?^???? ???T|?bN?v?[?g ? N?N?O_?NPa^.R?`?0 ??|?]?l?aN??y? ={?bN?v??(??c?R6?????(c?SARN%h...

Lattice CAD35BY
Lattice CAD35BY
16/02/2025 -
PRODUCT ADVICE SHEET LATTICE WALLPAPER - 35 Every roll of Farrow & Ball wallpaper is handcrafted with care at our factory in Dorset. Using our own, richly pigmented paint, traditional techniques and bespoke equipment, we print on responsibly sourced paper. Printing paint on paper creates a beautifully tactile finish and means each roll is utterly unique. Using our paint in particular ensures every design has the richness and depth of colour we're known for and works wonderfully with our paint used on other surfaces. You won't find wallpaper like ours anywhere else. Paper Information: While based on a 19th-century design, Lattice has an undeniable sense of modernity. Its lines flow from finely...

Jasmine SEB39CC
Jasmine SEB39CC
16/02/2025 -
PRODUKTANVISNINGSBLAD JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 Alla Farrow & Ball -tapeter ?r tillverkade av milj?v?nligt papper och v?r egen vattenbaserade f?rg med l?g VOC-halt. Pappersinformation: Det h?r tropiskt inspirerade m?nstret som f?rest?ller en v?ldoftande frodig v?xt fr?n ett varmare klimat kommer fr?n Farrow & Ball s arkiv och har moderniserats med nya f?rgkombinationer. M?nsternummer: Bok: F?reg?ende bok: BP39 Latest and Greatest N/A M?nsterrapport/Randbredd: Full rullbredd: Rull?ngd: 37.5cm (14 3/4") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd F?rvaringsr?d: F?r b?sta resultat, t?nk p? att best?lla tillr?ckligt m?nga rullar till ditt tapetseringsprojekt. Om du best?ller fler rullar i efterhand kan dessa komma...

Jasmine ROB39CC
Jasmine ROB39CC
16/02/2025 -
Foaie de sfaturi pentru produs JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 responsabile Volum: Volum anterior: BP39 Latest and Greatest N/A 37.5cm (14 3/4") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Culori ?nchise: tapetul de finisare. Aplicarea tapetului: Cum pot fi evitate probleme comune: Lustruirea/Luciul: solid. Exfoliere/Ridicare: anteriormontajului . Colorarea: aplicare. Model nepotrivit: Main, Deutschland, +49 (0) 69 2424 6269. Issue Date: 04/09/2023

Jasmine PTB39CC
Jasmine PTB39CC
16/02/2025 -
INFORMA??O SOBRE O PRODUTO JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 Todos os pap?is de parede da Farrow & Ball s?o fabricados utilizando papel amigo do ambiente e a nossa pr?pria Pintura ? base de ?gua com baixo conte?do de COV. Informa??o sobre o papel: Sendo uma representa??o tropical das plantas frondosas e fragrantes encontradas nos climas mais quentes, esta gravura foi retirada dos arquivos da Farrow & Ball e reinventada com novas combina??es de cores. N?mero do padr?o: Livro: Livro anterior: BP39 Latest and Greatest N/A Repeti??o do padr?o/Largura da listra: Largura total do rolo: Comprimento do rolo: 37.5cm (14 3/4") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Indica??es para encomenda: Para obter os melhores resultados,...

Jasmine PLB39CC
Jasmine PLB39CC
16/02/2025 -
KARTA INFORMACYJNA JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 LZO. Parametry papieru: Kod wzoru: BP39 Latest and Greatest N/A 37.5cm (14 3/4") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd klienta. Ciemne kolory: Wskaz?wka przed tapetowaniem: tapetowania. Ograniczenia: Przygotowanie powierzchni: powierzchni. Klej do tapet: Uwagi: Nadmiar kleju na tapecie: nadrukowanego wzoru. Zabarwienie tapety: Przyczyna: Klej pozostawiony na powierzchni tapety lub usuwany twardym przedmiotem. Niedopasowany wz?r: Farrow & Ball, Kaiserstra?e 25, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland, +49 (0) 69 2424 6269. Issue Date: 04/09/2023

Jasmine NOB39CC
Jasmine NOB39CC
16/02/2025 -
PRODUKTADVISNINGSBLAD JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 V?re bakgrunnsbilder er laget ved hjelp av v?re egne milj?vennlige vannbaserte maling og ansvarlig hentet papir av h?y kvalitet. Tapetinformasjon: Et tropisk oppvisning av denne duftende, l?vrike planten som man finner i varmere klima. Dette m?nsteret er hentet fra arkivene til Farrow & Ball , og er nydesignet med nye fargekombinasjoner. M?nsternummer: Bok: Forrige bok: BP39 Latest and Greatest N/A M?nsterrapport / Stripebredde: Hele rullens bredde: Rullengde: 37.5cm (14 3/4") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd R?d ved bestilling: For ? oppn? best mulige resultater er det viktig at man bestiller tilstrekkelig antall ruller til ? fullf?re prosjektet....

Jasmine NLB39CC
Jasmine NLB39CC
16/02/2025 -
PRODUCTADVIES JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 Alle Farrow & Ball behang wordt gemaakt met milieuvriendelijk papier en onze eigen, laag VOS-gehalte, watergedragen verf. Behanginformatie: Dit dessin is een tropische weerspiegeling van de geurige, groene plant die groeit in warme streken. Farrow & Ball heeft het ontwerp in een nieuw jasje gestoken met een aantal nieuwe kleurencombinaties. Patroonnummer: Behangboek: Voorafgaande behangboek: BP39 Latest and Greatest N/A Patroonherhaling/Stripbreedte: Rolbreedte: Rollengte: 37.5cm (14 3/4") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Advies voor het bestellen van ons behang: We raden u aan om voldoende rollen behang te bestellen voor uw project. Omdat ons behang op een...

Jasmine JAB39CC
Jasmine JAB39CC
16/02/2025 -
??T?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0? JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 Farrow?Ball 0nX?}0o0Y0y0f0t?X?0k?Man0W0_}0kr???0nONVOCl4|?XWe?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0W0fO?0?0f0D0~0Y0 X?}0k??0Y0?`?X1: Jasmine 0o?I0Lu0D?0?0??0??J0K0jq?^/`'i ri0nj!i?0g0Y0 Farrow & Ball 0nX?}0?0?0?0?0?0K0?0?0?0?0?_?0_0S0n0?0?0?0?0o0?r0n}D0T0?0[0LNe?0U0?0~0W0_0 0?0n0?0?0?0?0?0?: 0?0?0?T : N?RM0n0?0?0?T : BP39 Latest and Greatest N/A 0?0n0?0?0n0?0?0?0?/0?0?0?0?0?0n^E: 0?0?0?0n^E: 0?0?0?0n?w0U: 37.5cm (14 3/4") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd 0Tl?e?0n??0nl?aN??: 0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0k_??0j0?0?0?ep0?0?0Ox???0nN 0Tl?e?0O0`0U0D0_ y>0g0oO}qv?0j]?l?0gX?}0???? 0W0f0D0~0Y0 0]0n0_0?R%l?e?0n0?0?0?0ouu#]?z 0Lup0j0?X4T0L0B0?00?0?0???0g??^r0n?U0D0Lv?0k??0H0f0?0K0?0S0h0L0B0?0~0Y0OimN- 0n??0????U0H0kP?0H0?0?0?0?0{0iY0?0kl?e?0U0?0?0S0h0?0J??0???0W0~0Y0g*Ou(0nX?}0oge0nO?~U0n0{0K0_0MQ?0W0? m g 0?0?0?0nN-ew0M0kOnR)0g0Y00?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0k_??0j0?0?0?ep0k0d0D0f0o_ y>0~0g0i0F0^0Jl??0k0Tv???0O0`0U 0D00?0?0?0?0?0h?h?0U0?0f0D0?X?}0k0d0D0f0oT ?rT g?3g,0K0?0n0JS?0?[?0[0h0j0?0~0Y0Qh0f0nX?}0o00?0?0?0?0K0?0n 0JS?0?[?0[0k0d0M3?^??1??0{0i0D0_0`0M0~0Y0 X?}0???0?e?0x0nl?aN??: _ y>0g0oT???{?t0k0J0D0fgU?0nl?a0?bU0c0f0J0?0~0Y0L00J??0DN 0R0n??0o0?0?0?0kk...

Jasmine ITB39CC
Jasmine ITB39CC
16/02/2025 -
SCHEDA INFORMATIVA PRODOTTO JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 Tutte le carte da parati Farrow & Ball vengono create utilizzando carta ecologica e la nostra pittura basata su acqua a basso livello di composti organici volatili (VOC). Informazioni sulla carta: Questa stampa, ottenuta dagli archivi Farrow & Ball e reinventata con nuove combinazioni di colore, rappresenta un motivo tropicale di questa pianta profumata e piena di foglie diffusa nei climi pi? caldi. Numero motivo: Libro: Libro precedente: BP39 Latest and Greatest N/A Ripetizione motivo/Larghezza striscia: Larghezza totale rotolo: Lunghezza rotolo: 37.5cm (14 3/4") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Informazioni sull'ordine: Per ottenere i risultati...

Jasmine CA2B39CC
Jasmine CA2B39CC
16/02/2025 -
FICHE INFORMATIONS PRODUIT JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 Chaque rouleau de papier peint Farrow & Ball est fabriqu? ? la main avec soin dans notre usine du Dorset. Nous utilisons notre propre peinture richement pigment?e, des techniques traditionnelles et des ?quipements sur mesure pour imprimer sur du papier issu de sources responsables. L'impression de la peinture sur papier cr?e une finition magnifiquement tactile ; de plus, chaque rouleau est totalement unique. L'utilisation de notre peinture en particulier garantit que chaque motif a la richesse et la profondeur de couleur qui font notre r?putation et se marie ? merveille avec notre peinture appliqu?e sur d'autres surfaces. Vous ne trouverez nulle...

Jasmine BEB39CC
Jasmine BEB39CC
16/02/2025 -
FICHE INFORMATIONS PRODUIT JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 responsable. Informations sur le motif : Un dessin tropical foisonnant de plantes feuillues et parfum?es rencontr?es sous des climats plus chauds, cet imprim? tir? des archives de Farrow & Ball a ?t? r?invent? gr?ce ? de nouvelles combinaisons de couleurs. R?f. Motif : Liasse : Liasse pr?c?dente : BP39 Latest and Greatest N/A Raccord/Largeur de la rayure : Largeur totale du rouleau : Longueur du rouleau : 37.5cm (14 3/4") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Conseils pour commander : Pour obtenir les meilleurs r?sultats, veuillez-vous assurer de commander un nombre suffisant de rouleaux pour achever votre projet de d?coration, car en raison de nos...

Jasmine FRB39CC
Jasmine FRB39CC
16/02/2025 -
FICHE INFORMATIONS PRODUIT JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 Chaque rouleau de papier peint Farrow & Ball est fabriqu? ? la main avec soin dans notre usine du Dorset. Nous utilisons notre propre peinture richement pigment?e, des techniques traditionnelles et des ?quipements sur mesure pour imprimer sur du papier issu de sources responsables. L'impression de la peinture sur papier cr?e une finition magnifiquement tactile ; de plus, chaque rouleau est totalement unique. L'utilisation de notre peinture en particulier garantit que chaque motif a la richesse et la profondeur de couleur qui font notre r?putation et se marie ? merveille avec notre peinture appliqu?e sur d'autres surfaces. Vous ne trouverez nulle...

Jasmine US2B39CC
Jasmine US2B39CC
16/02/2025 -
CONSEJOS SOBRE EL PRODUCTO JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 Todos los papeles pintados de Farrow & Ball se fabrican empleando papel ecol?gico con y nuestra propia pintura al agua con bajo contenido en COV. Informaci?n sobre el papel: Estampado de la fragante y tropical planta frondosa que se encuentra en climas m?s c?lidos. Procede de los archivos de Farrow & Ball, habi?ndose reinventado con nuevas combinaciones de colores. N?mero de dise?o: Libro: Libro anterior: BP39 Latest and Greatest N/A Repetici?n del dise?o/Ancho de la raya: Ancho total del rollo: Longitud del rollo: 37.5cm (14 3/4") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Consejos sobre los pedidos: Para conseguir unos resultados ?ptimos es recomendable...

Jasmine ESB39CC
Jasmine ESB39CC
16/02/2025 -
CONSEJOS SOBRE EL PRODUCTO JASMINE WALLPAPER - 39 Todos los papeles pintados de Farrow & Ball se fabrican empleando papel ecol?gico con y nuestra propia pintura al agua con bajo contenido en COV. Informaci?n sobre el papel: Estampado de la fragante y tropical planta frondosa que se encuentra en climas m?s c?lidos. Procede de los archivos de Farrow & Ball, habi?ndose reinventado con nuevas combinaciones de colores. N?mero de dise?o: Libro: Libro anterior: BP39 Latest and Greatest N/A Repetici?n del dise?o/Ancho de la raya: Ancho total del rollo: Longitud del rollo: 37.5cm (14 3/4") 53cm/21" 10m/11yd Consejos sobre los pedidos: Para conseguir unos resultados ?ptimos es recomendable...

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