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First Edition


Water Fundamentals Handbook
First Edition
Steve Felber



Copyright © 2017 by DRI-STEEM Corporation

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or any means,
without the written permission of the company.

Printed and bound in the United States of America.
First printing September 2017.

DRI-STEEM Corporation
14949 Technology Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
800-328-4447 or 952-949-2415
952-229-3200 (fax)



The focus of this handbook is water. What is it about water that gives it such unique properties? How do those properties relate to DriSteem products? All DriSteem products involve water processing in some way, whether creating steam for humidiûcation, passing water over media, injecting small droplets of water into spaces for cooling and humidiûcation, or removing dissolved substances from water to purify or soften it. Since water is such an integral part of all DriSteem systems, it seems appropriate to dig a little deeper into the impacts of water as it relates to the products DriSteem offers.
Since 1965, DriSteem's focus has been on developing competitive products that meet the needs of its customer base. In order for DriSteem to continue enhancing customer satisfaction by offering maximum performance and functionality in its products, a deeper understanding of water and how it affects products is essential to the

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