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Approval Number: 240255046

9th May 2024

Approval Number 240255046
Test Report: 122400004-0001 & 122400004-0002
Water Regulations Approval Scheme Ltd.
Unit 13,
Willow Road,
Pen y Fan Industrial Estate,
NP11 4EG

9th May 2024
Prandelli SpA.
Via Rango, 58 25065,
Lumezzane S.S. (BS),

The material referred to in this letter is suitable for contact with wholesome water for domestic purposes having met the requirements of
BS6920-1:2000 and/or 2014 'Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of the water'.
The reference relates solely to its effect on the quality of the water with which it may come into contact and does not signify the approval of its mechanical or physical properties for any use.


Coprax® PP-R Fitting'. Blue coloured, injection moulded PP-R fitting. For use with water up to 85°C.
The Scheme reserves the right to review approval.
Approval 240255046 is valid between February 2024 and February 2029
An entry, as above, will accordingly be included in the Water Fittings Directory on-line under the section headed, Materials which have passed full tests of effect on water quality .
The Directory may be found at: www.wrasapprovals.co.uk/approvals-directory/
Yours Faithfully

Ian Hughes
WRAS Approvals Manager

The Water Regulations Approval Scheme Ltd. Registered in England No, 1303284 Registered office: 6D Lowick Close, Hazel Grove, Stockport, SK7 5ED
Tel:+44(0)1495 244 666 Fax:+44(0)1495 244 666 Email:info@wrasapprovals.co.uk website:www.wrasapprovals.co.uk

WRAS.Appr-305F1 ver 2.0

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