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12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
Declaration of Performance AVR/ AVRD/ AVRZ/ AVRZD 2118049.03 DE - LEISTUNGSERKLÄRUNG ......................................................................................... 3 EN - DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE ............................................................................ 4 FR - DÉCLARATION DES PERFORMANCES ........................................................................ 5 ES - DECLARACIÓN DE PRESTACIONES ..............................................................................

12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
Declaration of Performance Liftson S 1.1 4212481.01 FR - DÉCLARATION DES PERFORMANCES ........................................................................ 3 EN - DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE ............................................................................ 4 ES - DECLARACIÓN DE PRESTACIONES ........................................................................... 5 IT - DICHIARAZIONE DI PRESTAZIONE ..............................................................................

12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
Declaration of Performance Wilo-DrainLift S1/6 2155986.01 DE - LEISTUNGSERKLÄRUNG ......................................................................................... 3 EN - DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE ............................................................................ 4 FR - DÉCLARATION DES PERFORMANCES ........................................................................ 5 ES - DECLARACIÓN DE PRESTACIONES ..............................................................................

17/09/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
CERTIFICATE This is to certify that WILO SE Wilopark 1 44263 Dortmund Germany with the organizational units/sites as listed in the annex has implemented and maintains an Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Scope: Development, manufacture, sales and service of pumps and pump systems for Building Services, Water Management and Industry. Through an audit, documented in a report, it was verified that the management system fulfills the requirements of the following standard: ISO 45001...

23/09/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
Qualit?tsrichtlinie f?r Lieferanten der WILO SE, WILO EMU GmbH and WILO EMUPORT GmbH (WILO) 1. Einf?hrung 1.1 Allgemeines WILO will mit seiner hohen Produktqualit?t und seinem auf hohem Niveau begutachteten Qualit?tsmanagementsystem permanent die hohen Erwartungen seiner Kunden erf?llen. Zur Herstellung seiner Pumpen und Pumpensysteme setzt WILO in gro?em Umfang Bauteile und Komponenten von Zulieferern ein. Die Qualit?t der WILO-Produkte wird entscheidend durch die Qualit?t und Zuverl?ssigkeit...

12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
23.7.2009 DE Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union L 191/35 VERORDNUNG (EG) Nr. 641/2009 DER KOMMISSION vom 22. Juli 2009 zur Durchführung der Richtlinie 2005/32/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates im Hinblick auf die Festlegung von Anforderungen an die umweltgerechte Gestaltung von externen Nassläufer-Umwälzpumpen und in Produkte integrierten Nassläufer-Umwälzpumpen (Text von Bedeutung für den EWR) DIE KOMMISSION DER EUROPÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN  (5) Der für die Zwecke dieser...

12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
Quality Guideline for Suppliers of WILO SE, WILO EMU GmbH and WILO EMUPORT GmbH (WILO) 1. Introduction 1.1 General items With its high product quality and its extensive quality management system, WILO wants to permanently comply with the high expectations of its customers. For the production of its pumps and pump systems, WILO buys to a great extent parts and components from subsuppliers. The quality and reliability of the purchased goods are decisive factors for the quality of the WILO products....

12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
CERTIFICATE TÜV SÜD-EME-0012.2016.001 For the company WILO SE Nortkirchenstraße 100 44263 Dortmund hereby it is certified that the series WILO Stratos WILO Stratos PICO comply with the requirements of the TÜV SÜD Standard EME  Energy and Media Efficiency, Environmental Sustainability, rev. 1.1, Edition 05/2016 for the scope of Energy Efficiency The company is entitled to use the TÜV SÜD  certification mark Energy- and Media Efficiency  for the above mentioned series. This certificate...

S205 Skid Steer Loader Specifications
S205 Skid Steer Loader Specifications
01/12/2010 - www.bobcat.eu
S205 | Compact Loaders S205 | Specifications Machine Rating Rated operating capacity (Bobcat) Tipping load Pump capacity Pump capacity (with high flow option) System relief at quick couplers Max. travel speed (high range - option) Max. travel speed (low range) 1009 kg 2019 kg 64.00 L/min 100.00 L/min 22.4-23.1 MPa 18.0 km/h 11.6 km/h Kubota / V2607-DI-TE3B-BC-I Diesel Liquid 49.2 kW 218.0 Nm 4 2600 cm3 90.80 L 3023 kg 2658 kg Direction and speed controlled by two hand levers Separate foot pedals,...

28/09/2024 - www.vescom.com
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Poubelle pour hygiène féminine : AX8408 - Axeuro
Poubelle pour hygiène féminine : AX8408 - Axeuro
01/04/2020 - www.axeuro.com
Finitions : Inox Brosse Poli Satine Une societe 100% francaise a votre service Laque Blanc Chrome / Poli Miroir / Brillant Dore Brosse Poli Satine Dore Brillant Poli Miroir www.axeuro.com - axeuro@axeuro.com - Tel : 01 85 40 00 00 - Phone : +33 1 85 40 00 00 - Fiche technique - 110 mm 200 mm 390 mm 152 mm 50 mm 280 mm Face Profil Arriere Haut Type de produit : Livree avec : Reference : Conditionnement : Materiaux : Lieux d'utilisation : Caracteristiques : Hauteur de pose recommandee...

10090792 Rigid And Drawbar Eyes
10090792 Rigid And Drawbar Eyes
29/07/2024 - www.ringfeder.de
Guidelines for inspection and servicing Rigid/Drawbar eyes 2022 General information General information The components used to connect a vehicle and trailer are exposed, even during normal use, to very high tensions. Regular service and maintenance is a prerequisite if the drawbar is to function well for the duration of its service life. The length of the service intervals depend on the type of trailers, the loads, roads and climatic conditions etc. The service should ideally be carried out in...

16/02/2025 - www.farrow-ball.com
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16/02/2025 - www.farrow-ball.com
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