Wilkhahn ON Product Sheet En

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

ON®. 170 range

A new dimension in ­flexibility.
A natural stimulus for body and mind.
A case of excellent
­design at its best.
Office chair ON® redefines office seating.
At last our bodies can move the way they want while we are sitting down too. At the core of the concept lies Trimension®, threedimensional mechanics that follow the
­natural movement of our pelvis, hips and knee joints. The three-dimensional movements activate the entire back without
­tiring the body. The design is also first class:
high quality, spacious and appealing, ON
immediately conveys a sense of ease, value and comfort. The chair's design and handling are equally ingenious: by pressing just two buttons to rapidly adjust the counter pressure, ON is ready to go. Armrests,
­backrest heights and optional seat depth adjustment can be altered while seated
­without any extra levers. All task-chair and conference models, plus ­four-legged and cantilever chairs in attrac­tive ­finishes and covers, tick all the boxes in terms of function and design. Simply seamless solutions.

Design: wiege
Model 175/7
bright chrome-plated frame,
with Fiberflex cover

ON®. The product family at a glance.
Backrest heights (each adjustable by 60 mm
(23/8")): ­medium-height back rest, or high backrest,
or high backrest with headrest.
Armrest pads (all three-dimensionally adjust­
able): standard or soft foam pad, or leather upholstered pad.
Types of upholstery: seat and backrest covered in Fiberflex (optionally with extra padding) or seat fabric cover with additional fabric cover on the backrest, or management grade upholstery with side facings and covers in fabric or leather.
Task chair frame types: the star base is avail­able in black, through-dyed plastic (only task chairs)
or in die-cast aluminium, optionally coated,
­natural polished finish or bright chrome-plated.
There are swing plates to match in coated diecast aluminium, natural polished finish or bright

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