Wilkhahn ON Design Report Special

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ON by Wilkhahn

design report special




Entwicklung + Design
Development + Design

32 Interviews
40 Nachhaltigkeit

Foto: Andreas Körner

%  Stuhl und Sessel sind mehr als bloße
Sitzgelegenheiten: Sie können ganz praktischen, aber auch hoch repräsentativen
Zwecken dienen, können Thron sein und
Folterinstrument, Arbeitsgerät oder
Rückzugsort, besitzen neben ihrer Funktion oft auch zeichenhaften Charakter.
Vielleicht erklärt dies das Phänomen,

keit verdammt. In mehrjähriger Grundlagenarbeit wurde nun von Wilkhahn ein neuartiger Typus des Bürodrehsessels entwickelt, der einen revolutionären ergonomischen Ansatz verwirklicht und zu einem bewegten Sitzen nach Lust und Laune einlädt  eine avancierte Kinematik macht es möglich. ON  heißt der Sessel, seine

pational health officers and developed by designers. Wilkhahn was in the vanguard of this development. The original idea was steadily refined during the 1970s and
1980s to include sophisticated mechanisms capable of synchronising seat and backrest positions to give the user's body uniform support at all times.

30 Der Homo Sedens
Sitzen als Disziplinierung
Homo Sedens
The Discipline of Sitting
6 Das Team

Dans la boutique

Wilkhahn Study Zfg Trimension Eng
Wilkhahn Study Zfg Trimension Eng
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
Summary More movement in sedentary workspaces A study on the impact of Trimension 3D kinematics on dorsal muscles, the range of motion and physiological stimulation Summary More movement in sedentary workspaces A study on the impact of Trimension 3D kinematics on dorsal muscles, the range of motion and physiological stimulation 1 Forward Some 80-90% of all gainfully employed people in Germany primarily work in sedentary jobs. As travelling to workplaces is usually done sitting down (in buses,...

Wilkhahn 87 Leder Leather
Wilkhahn 87 Leder Leather
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
87/99 87/89 87/85 Leder 87. Leather 87. Cuir 87. Piel 87. 1.6.2023 87/99 87/89 87/85 Leder 87. Leather 87. Cuir 87. Piel 87. 87/75 87/72 Die digitalen Muster weichen von den Originaltönen ab. The digital sample colours differ from the originals. Les échantillons numériques diffèrent du nuancier original. Los tonos de colores de las muestras en formato digital, varían de los originales. Beschreibung Besonders hochwertiges, rein anilingefärbtes Rindleder, das naturbelassene Unregelmäßigkeiten...

Wilkhahn ON Product Sheet En
Wilkhahn ON Product Sheet En
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
ON®. 170 range A new dimension in ­flexibility. A natural stimulus for body and mind. A case of excellent ­design at its best. Office chair ON® redefines office seating. At last our bodies can move the way they want while we are sitting down too. At the core of the concept lies Trimension®, threedimensional mechanics that follow the ­natural movement of our pelvis, hips and knee joints. The three-dimensional movements activate the entire back without ­tiring the body. The design is also...

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Wilkhahn 66 Lona
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
66/92 66/94 66/90 66/50 66 Lona. 66/81 66/73 66/83 LANO by Krall+Roth 66/71 66/14 66/70 1.6.2023 66/92 66/94 66/81 66/73 66/90 66/83 66/50 66/14 66/71 66/70 66 Lona. 66/67 66/68

Wilkhahn 74 Leder Leather
Wilkhahn 74 Leder Leather
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
74/99 74/64 74/34 74/73 74/16 Leder 74. Leather 74. Cuir 74. Piel 74. 74/62 74/22 1.9.2022 74/99 74/64 74/34 74/73 74/62 74/16 74/22 Leder 74. Leather 74. Cuir 74. Piel 74. 74/61 74/67 74/72 74/10 74/35 Die digitalen Muster weichen von den Originaltönen ab. The digital sample colours differ from the originals. Les échantillons numériques diffèrent du nuancier original. Los tonos de colores de las muestras en formato digital, varían de los originales.

Wilkhahn ON Brochure En
Wilkhahn ON Brochure En
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
ON First-class design and excellent functionality: the ON® office chair opens a new chapter in agility for both body and mind. ON 170 range, design: wiege The range stands for the latest milestones in office-chair development. For the first time, the patented Trimension® technology offered by ON® has succeeded in perfectly synchronising three-dimensional flexibility with our bodies. And what's more it offers superb design and an extensive product family that caters to virtually all requirements....

Wilkhahn 47 Nova
Wilkhahn 47 Nova
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
47/618 47/617 47/610 47/15 47/14 47 Nova. 47/84 47/71 1.1.2023 47/618 47/617 47/610 47/15 47/84 47/71 47/14 47 Nova. 47/66 47/64 47/50 47/10 47/22 Die digitalen Muster weichen von den Originaltönen ab. The digital sample colours differ from the originals. Les échantillons numériques diffèrent du nuancier original. Los tonos de colores de las muestras en formato digital, varían de los originales. 47/54

Wilkhahn 68 Remix
Wilkhahn 68 Remix
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
68/252 68/543 68/632 68/653 68/662 68/373 68/183 68/123 68 Kvadrat Remix. 68/143 68/163 1.6.2023 68/252 68/543 68/632 68/653 68/662 68/373 68/183 68/123 68/143 68/163 68 Kvadrat Remix. 68/912 68/973

Fpr Pe Select 65 100 Tubfr 2028 C
Fpr Pe Select 65 100 Tubfr 2028 C
23/08/2024 - www.tubauto.fr
FICHE PRODUIT Porte d'entrée - Select 65 100 Porte d'entrée élégante et moderne en acier et aluminium, en dimensions standards et sur-mesure Hautes performances techniques : Isolation thermique supérieure jusqu'à 0,87 W/m².K. Etanchéité parfaite grâce à sa double ligne de joints continus. Sécurité face aux tentatives d'intrusion : Serrure à crochets à verrouillage 5 pênes. Dispositif d'anti-dégondage exclusif. Option : classement retardateur d'effraction CR2. Possibilité de...

Tubes De Revetements Et Accessoires Extrait Catalogue Fondations
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Des gammes complètes en logistique : innovations techniques pour les portes industrielles Hörmann
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25/11/2010 - www.n-schilling.com
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DUO 2000 A
DUO 2000 A
10/03/2012 - kaufelfr.tnb.com
EVACUATION / AMBIANCE PERMANENT / NON PERMANENT DUO 2000 A Code : 226 205 CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES N° d'homologation : Indice de protec tion : Flux assigné : Autonomie : Classe : Dimensions : Tension d'alimentation : T92663 IP 21 / IK 08 1200 lm 1 heure I 360 x 500 x 100 mm (Lxlxh) 230 V / 50 Hz - Boîtier tôle - Phares orientables - Incandescent avec garantie 2 ans ­ Label « Performance SATI » - Faisceaux larges pour locaux de grande hauteur (Ateliers, ...) Copyright 2003, KAUFEL -...

Spécial artisans chauffagistes : Sentinel leur dédie deux promotions jusqu'à la fin d'année
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