Wilkhahn On Afrdi Certificate

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Certificate No.

Approved by Furntech-AFRDI 16309/1
*Check website www.furntech.org.au for current certification status

Product name:

Nominal Expiry*
9 July 2025

ON Swivel Chair
Medium and High Back
Models 174/7, 174/71, 175/7, 175/71 & 172/7


Wilkhahn, Wilkening & Hahne Pty Ltd

Tested at:

Level 6  Severe Commercial

The Australasian Furnishing Research and Development Institute (AFRDI) hereby certify the above specified product under the AFRDI Blue Tick Product Certification Program using certification criteria based on AS/NZS 4438:1997 (R2016) Height Adjustable Swivel Chairs, and on additional requirements and variations as deemed appropriate by Furntech-AFRDI.
The company, identified above, has agreed to maintain the compliance of the product represented on this certificate, and to submit to retesting and auditing as appropriate.
Testing and evaluation was conducted such that, in the opinion of Furntech-AFRDI, all products claiming AFRDI Approval that are assembled from the components designated on this certificate,
should perform satisfactorily in relation to the certification criteria.
This certificate does not relate to fabrics or other upholstery coverings  chairs cannot comply with the Standard unless the fabrics or coverings used (if any) meet the flammability requirements of
AS/NZS 4088.1 and the care labelling requirements of AS/NZS 1957.
This certification is valid for three years but may be suspended, revoked or renewed.


Arms: Height Adjustable

ON Arm


ON Mechanism

Pedestal Base

ON Five Star Base

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