Wilkhahn ON 170 Product Info EN

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ON. 170 range.


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Ergonomics and health


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Technical details

Quality and sustainability


The range stands for the latest milestones in office-chair development. For the first time, the patented Trimension® technology offer­ed by ON® has succeeded in perfectly synchronising three-dimen­sional flexibility with our bodies. And what's more it offers superb design and an extensive product family that caters to virtually all requirements. The three backrest heights are adjustable by 60 mm (mediumhigh, high and high with a headrest), three upholstered types (Fiberflex, soft padding and management grade upholstery) and three types of 3D armrest (standard, soft, leather) add up to 27 basic
­designs for the task chairs alone &

Design: wiege
Model: 175/71, photo: Vojislav Nikolic

Views and references

Ergonomics and health


Model: 174/7, object: M Moser Associates, New York, US, photo: Eric Laignel

Accessories and other items

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