Wilkhahn On 170 Greenguard Certificate

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ON® - 170 range

13 Jul 2022 - 10 Apr 2025

Certificate Number

Certificate Period

UL 2818 - 2022 Gold Standard for Chemical Emissions for Building Materials, Finishes and Furnishings
Commercial furniture and furnishings are tested in accordance with ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-2011(R2016) and determined to comply with ANSI/BIFMA X7.1-2011(R2016) and ANSI/BIFMA e3-2019 Credit 7.6.1, 7.6.2, and 7.6.3.
Seating products are modeled in the seating environment with a ventilation rate of 24.8 m³/hour. Products also determined compliant in accordance with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method
Product tested in accordance with UL 2821 test method to show compliance to emission limits on UL 2818. Section 7.1 and 7.2.

UL investigated representative samples of the identified Product(s) to the identified Standard(s) or other requirements in accordance with the agreements and any applicable program service terms in place between UL and the Certificate Holder (collectively
Agreement ). The Certificate Holder is authorized to use the UL Mark for the identified Product(s) manufactured at the production site(s) covered by the UL Test Report, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. This Certificate is valid for the identified dates unless there is non-compliance with the Agreement.

GREENGUARD Gold Certification Criteria for Office Furniture Seating

CAS Number

Maximum Allowable
Predicted Concentration






4.5 (3.65 ppb)


Total Aldehydes (B)


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