Wilkhahn Healthy And Future Proof Office Workspaces Digital Brochure

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Healthy and Future-proof Office Workspaces

Healthy and Future-proof Office Workspaces-28-SR-200721-1113

The essentials

Flexible office environments

Remote/home workers

Cleaning and Disinfecting



Screened-off or Openplan Workspaces?
When work is planned, organized and carried out,
the COVID-19 pandemic means healthy and safe offices are top of the agenda. In addition to prevailing health and safety regulations in the workplace, social distancing, screens and special hygiene precautions are extra measures taken to prevent infection.

An interior design concept can offer passive protection and actively boost immune systems by encouraging physical activity.

Three-dimensional, dynamic AT office chair,
­design: Wilkhahn, at height-adjustable Travis tables,
­design: wiege.

The essentials essentials

Flexible office environments

Remote/home workers

Cleaning and Disinfecting



Immune-system Boosters

Tips for better immune systems
" Exercise

Dans la boutique

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