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Wilkhahn Digital Brochure 24 Hour Chairs EN
Wilkhahn Digital Brochure 24 Hour Chairs EN
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
Free-to-move 24-hour chairs 170 ON® / 184 IN ranges Digital-brochure-24-hour chairs-28-SR-200428-1019 Views Views and and references references (1/4) Ergonomics and health Comfort and adjustments Quality and sustainability Designs Models and dimensions Technical details Destined for agility around the clock. The free-to-move ON® and IN models for 24-hour use. Sedentary workspaces that are used in shifts 24/7 place exceptional demands on both people and the furniture concerned. In particular, jobs...

Wilkhahn ON Trimension
Wilkhahn ON Trimension
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
ON® Trimension® 3-D-Sitzen in Bestform Die Trimension® animiert nicht nur zu Vorwärts-, Rück­ wärts- und Seitwärtsbewegungen, sondern auch zur Rotation des Beckens, die für die Stabilisierung der Wirbel­ säule besonders wichtig ist. Schon kleinste Gewichtsver­ lagerungen werden in Bewegung übersetzt. Die Posi­tion und die Funktion der Drehpunkte entsprechen dabei präzise den Knie- und Hüftgelenken. Dadurch bleibt der Körperschwerpunkt in jeder Sitzhaltung und Bewegung sicher...

Wilkhahn 87 Leder Leather
Wilkhahn 87 Leder Leather
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
87/99 87/89 87/85 Leder 87. Leather 87. Cuir 87. Piel 87. 1.6.2023 87/99 87/89 87/85 Leder 87. Leather 87. Cuir 87. Piel 87. 87/75 87/72 Die digitalen Muster weichen von den Originaltönen ab. The digital sample colours differ from the originals. Les échantillons numériques diffèrent du nuancier original. Los tonos de colores de las muestras en formato digital, varían de los originales. Beschreibung Besonders hochwertiges, rein anilingefärbtes Rindleder, das naturbelassene Unregelmäßigkeiten...

Wilkhahn 68 Remix
Wilkhahn 68 Remix
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
68/252 68/543 68/632 68/653 68/662 68/373 68/183 68/123 68 Kvadrat Remix. 68/143 68/163 1.6.2023 68/252 68/543 68/632 68/653 68/662 68/373 68/183 68/123 68/143 68/163 68 Kvadrat Remix. 68/912 68/973

Wilkhahn 47 Nova
Wilkhahn 47 Nova
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
47/618 47/617 47/610 47/15 47/14 47 Nova. 47/84 47/71 1.1.2023 47/618 47/617 47/610 47/15 47/84 47/71 47/14 47 Nova. 47/66 47/64 47/50 47/10 47/22 Die digitalen Muster weichen von den Originaltönen ab. The digital sample colours differ from the originals. Les échantillons numériques diffèrent du nuancier original. Los tonos de colores de las muestras en formato digital, varían de los originales. 47/54

Wilkhahn ON 170 Product Info EN
Wilkhahn ON 170 Product Info EN
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
ON. 170 range. Digital-brochure-170-ON-02-SR-230627-1746 Views and references (1/6) references Ergonomics and health Designs Accessories and other items Models and dimensions Technical details Quality and sustainability Contact ON. The range stands for the latest milestones in office-chair development. For the first time, the patented Trimension® technology offer­ed by ON® has succeeded in perfectly synchronising three-dimen­sional flexibility with our bodies. And what's more it offers...

Wilkhahn On Afrdi Certificate
Wilkhahn On Afrdi Certificate
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
Certificate No. Approved by Furntech-AFRDI 16309/1 *Check website www.furntech.org.au for current certification status Product name: Nominal Expiry* 9 July 2025 ON Swivel Chair Medium and High Back Models 174/7, 174/71, 175/7, 175/71 & 172/7 Company: Wilkhahn, Wilkening & Hahne Pty Ltd Tested at: Level 6  Severe Commercial The Australasian Furnishing Research and Development Institute (AFRDI) hereby certify the above specified product under the AFRDI Blue Tick Product Certification Program...

Wilkhahn ON AFRDI Green Tick Certificate
Wilkhahn ON AFRDI Green Tick Certificate
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
Certificate No. Furntech-AFRDI Approved to AFRDI Standard 150:2012(Mar)  Sustainability 17184/1 *Check website www.furntech.org.au for current certification status Nominal Expiry* 7 December 2026 Standard: Commercial Furniture Supplier: Wilkhahn, Wilkening & Hahne Pty. Ltd. Product Name: ON Task Chair Models 174/7, 174/71, 175/7, 175/71 as nominated by supplier Site of Assembly: Wilkhahn Asia Pacific, Sydney AFRDI Level: A  Platinum (recognised as GBCA Level A) AFRDI Green Tick certification...

Zehnder Climate Ceiling Solutions, la nouvelle entité du groupe Zehnder dédiée à la commercialisation de solutions de plafonds chauffants rafraîchissants
Zehnder Climate Ceiling Solutions, la nouvelle entité du groupe Zehnder dédiée à la commercialisation de solutions de plafonds chauffants rafraîchissants
01/06/2023 - www.andresudrie.com
Information Presse | Juin 2023 ð< Radiateurs decoratifs ð< Ventilation double-flux ð< Plafonds climatiques ð< Clean Air Solutions Zehnder Climate Ceiling Solutions, la nouvelle entite du groupe Zehnder dediee a la commercialisation de solutions de plafonds chauffants rafraichissants Reglementations thermiques, decret tertiaire et explosion du cout de l'energie favorisent l'utilisation de solutions performantes dans les bureaux. Des 2013, pour accompagner la croissance de ce marche, le...

Laurent ASTAIX, Directeur Marketing et Communication de Knauf Insulation
Laurent ASTAIX, Directeur Marketing et Communication de Knauf Insulation
02/07/2019 - www.andresudrie.com
Information Presse Octobre 2018 Laurent ASTAIX, Directeur Marketing et Communication de Knauf Insulation Knauf Insulation vient de nommer Laurent ASTAIX au poste de Directeur Marketing et Communication. De formation ingenieur, Laurent ASTAIX, 44 ans, possede une double experience technique et marketing de 17 ans dans le secteur du batiment. Avant de rejoindre Knauf Insulation, il a occupe successivement, durant 6 ans, les postes de Chef de Marche et de Directeur Marketing France au sein de la...

04/10/2024 - www.bacacier.com
Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

Combination Bucket Attachment Specifications
Combination Bucket Attachment Specifications
01/12/2010 - www.bobcat.eu
Combination Bucket Attachments Combination Bucket Specifications Standard features Applications Item number Compatible with loader S70 Weights and dimensions Operating weight (kg) Shipping weight (kg) 408 488 408 488 Overall width (mm) Overall height (mm) Overall length (mm) 707 780 Characteristics and performance Std Teeth configuration Accepts max. n° of teeth Capacity (SAE heaped) (l) Jaw opening (mm) B C

KI 157 Thermfix Vario ZM Umstellung Neue Bohrlehren
KI 157 Thermfix Vario ZM Umstellung Neue Bohrlehren
23/09/2024 - www.forster-profile.ch
@ new 157-22/INT forster Neuer Oberfl?chenschutz ZM f?r forster thermfix vario Profile 60mm Nouveaux profils de protection de surface ZM forster thermfix vario 60mm New surface protection ZM for forster thermfix vario profiles 60mm " Profil Baubreite 60mm und bis zu 150mm tief " Hervorragender Basiskorrosionsschutz auf der Profil Innen- und Aussenseite " ?kologisch und nachhaltig dank geringen Schichtdicken " Sehr geringe Weissrostbildung " Verf?gbar ab 06/2022, Ausnahme Profil 76.862...

07/10/2024 - www.axeuro.com
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