Wilkhahn 47 Nova

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :






47 Nova.











47 Nova.





Die digitalen Muster weichen von den Originaltönen ab.
The digital sample colours differ from the originals.
Les échantillons numériques diffèrent du nuancier original.
Los tonos de colores de las muestras en formato digital, varían de los originales.


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Wilkhahn ON ZfG Study En
Wilkhahn ON ZfG Study En
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
Summary Three-dimensional dynamic seating for more efficient office work Study on the impact of the threedimensional office chair system ON® on cognitive skills and the subjective feeling of well-being Boris Feodoroff Ingo Froböse November 2011 1 Foreword The debate on adapting office workspaces on a needs-based and appropriate manner has long called for a more active concept that fosters more physical activity. A lack of movement and physical inactivity are seen as risk factors for various...

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Wilkhahn AT ON IN ESP Digital Brochure
Wilkhahn AT ON IN ESP Digital Brochure
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
Free-to-move office chairs with an elevated sitting position (ESP) for sit-stand workspaces Ranges 170 ON® / 184 IN / 187 AT Digital-brochure-Free-to-move-office chairs ESP-28-SR-230628-1310 Views Views and and references references (1/5) Ergonomics and health Comfort and adjustments Quality and sustainability Designs Models and dimensions Technical details Sitting higher makes ­standing up easier Free-to-move office chairs with ESP for sit-stand options Electrically height-adjustable...

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01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
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Wilkhahn 66 Lona
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01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
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ON®. 170 range A new dimension in ­flexibility. A natural stimulus for body and mind. A case of excellent ­design at its best. Office chair ON® redefines office seating. At last our bodies can move the way they want while we are sitting down too. At the core of the concept lies Trimension®, threedimensional mechanics that follow the ­natural movement of our pelvis, hips and knee joints. The three-dimensional movements activate the entire back without ­tiring the body. The design is also...

Wilkhahn On Afrdi Certificate 2
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01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
Certificate No. Approved by Furntech-AFRDI 16309/2 *Check website www.furntech.org.au for current certification status Nominal Expiry* 9 July 2025 Product name: ON 174/1 Counter Chair Company: Wilkhahn, Wilkening & Hahne Pty Ltd Tested at: Level 6  Severe Commercial The Australasian Furnishing Research and Development Institute (AFRDI) hereby certify the above specified product under the AFRDI Blue Tick Product Certification Program using certification criteria based on AS/NZS 4438:1997...

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FICHE PRODUIT Porte d'entrée - Select 65 100 Porte d'entrée élégante et moderne en acier et aluminium, en dimensions standards et sur-mesure Hautes performances techniques : Isolation thermique supérieure jusqu'à 0,87 W/m².K. Etanchéité parfaite grâce à sa double ligne de joints continus. Sécurité face aux tentatives d'intrusion : Serrure à crochets à verrouillage 5 pênes. Dispositif d'anti-dégondage exclusif. Option : classement retardateur d'effraction CR2. Possibilité de...

Tubes De Revetements Et Accessoires Extrait Catalogue Fondations
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DUO 2000 A
DUO 2000 A
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EVACUATION / AMBIANCE PERMANENT / NON PERMANENT DUO 2000 A Code : 226 205 CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES N° d'homologation : Indice de protec tion : Flux assigné : Autonomie : Classe : Dimensions : Tension d'alimentation : T92663 IP 21 / IK 08 1200 lm 1 heure I 360 x 500 x 100 mm (Lxlxh) 230 V / 50 Hz - Boîtier tôle - Phares orientables - Incandescent avec garantie 2 ans ­ Label « Performance SATI » - Faisceaux larges pour locaux de grande hauteur (Ateliers, ...) Copyright 2003, KAUFEL -...

Spécial artisans chauffagistes : Sentinel leur dédie deux promotions jusqu'à la fin d'année
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