When to dance and to install become pleasure...

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Portable dance floor

Portable dance floor démontable

Mobile Tanzboden

When to dance and to install become pleasure...
Clic- Clac is a portable dance floor system needing no tools for the installation.

clic clac

Portable dance floor

Piste de danse démontable Mobile Ta nzboden


Connection is made by an ingenious system of incasing and clamping, which allows a simple and quick installation. An aluminium trim make an easier access to the dance floor The quality of the Clic-Clac system makes a product appriciated by the professionnals and amateurs.

A2S International - 1 rue des Lys - F-67520 MARLENHEIM - Tél. : +33 (0)3.888.777.88 - Fax : +33 (0)3.888.777.78 web : www.a2s.fr mail : info@a2s.fr

Piste de danse démontable

clic clac

The panels
The panels are made of MDF, laminated floor 1m x 1m, thickness 22mm, with a parket drawing.. Underneath the connection system with holes and stop pins.

Put it down push it it's done !

The stop pins find place in the holes, so the panels are joined. The sliding racket assures the complete junction between the panesl.

The borders
Borders are made of aluminium in ramp form that make easier acces to the floor. there are two kinds of borders, with and without sopt pins. Corners are independent.

Technical datas
Panels Borders Dance floor laminate floor 1m x 1m x 22mm Aluminium 1m x 0,12m thickness 32 mm

Flightcase Trolley

A2S International - 1 rue des Lys - F-67520 MARLENHEIM - Tél. : +33 (0)3.888.777.88 - Fax : +33 (0)3.888.777.78 web : www.a2s.fr mail : info@a2s.fr

Piste de danse démontable Portable dance floor Mobile Tanzboden

Dans la boutique

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Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

Photometrics data (PDF)
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