Website Cookie Policy

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Website Cookie Policy

November 2021

Table of contents
GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 3

ORGANISATION...................................................................................................................... 3


WHO OFFERS THESE COOKIES? ............................................................................................... 4


WHEN ARE COOKIES PLACED ON MY DEVICE? ......................................................................... 4


WHAT TYPES OF COOKIES DO WE USE AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE? .......................................... 5


ESSENTIAL COOKIES .................................................................................................................. 5
STATISTICS COOKIES ................................................................................................................. 6
MARKETING COOKIES ............................................................................................................... 7


HOW DO I MANAGE, DELETE OR BLOCK COOKIES? ................................................................ 10


This cookie policy applies to the Renson websites. This cookie policy can be modified at any time,
for example when our services or legislation require it.
We use cookies when you visit our websites and/or use our apps. This policy aims to inform you about the types of cookies we use and why we use them.
If cookies collect personal data, this is always done in accordance with our privacy policy.

1 Organisation
In this cookie policy, (i) 'we' means: Renson, located at Maalbeekstraat 10, 8790 Waregem, and all companies affiliated with Renson*. A data subject is always a customer/contact of a company that falls under the Renson umbrella.
* The following companies are affiliated with Renson: Renson Ventilation NV, Renson Sunprotection
Projects NV, Renson Sunprotection Screens NV, ARLU NV, Esafe BVBA, Renson Fabrication Ltd,
Renson Inc, Louage & Wisselinck, Renson Shanghai, Corradi, Corradi USA, Corradi Srl SRL.

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