Vinyplus Fdes Epd En

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Since 15.04.2023 our product series

vinyPlus is EPD / FDES verified.
The CO2 footprint is verifiably very low with approx.

10.5 kg of CO² /m²

according to NFEN 15804 + A2.
100 % recycled plastic
92 % less CO2 emissions compared to PVC virgin material
More than 100 decors that combine aesthetics and naturalness
Long-lasting and minimal maintenance without chemicals
Multiple recyclable / multi-recycling

vinyPlus, vinyPlus Shadow, vinyPlus DRP &
vinyPlus Quattro

The green facade  Made from 100 % recycled plastics
The CO2 footprint of vinyPlus is approx. 10,5 kg CO² /m²
according to NF EN 15804 + A2.

For comparison, according to EN 15804 + A2, facade claddings are made of treated, insulated, painted wood or fibro-cement: between18 and 25 kg CO² /m²
made of composite wood: between 28 and 35 kg CO² /m²
made of laminate (HPL): from 35 kg CO² /m²
made of metal: from 40 kg CO² /m²
made of terracotta: from 47 kg CO² /m²
Recycled plastic

Vinylit facades

Windows and door factory
Origin raw material


Recycling factory

Product´s end of life


What is an EPD /FDES?

Product´s end of life

Dans la boutique

Vinyplus Fdes Epd En
Vinyplus Fdes Epd En
23/07/2024 -
Since 15.04.2023 our product series vinyPlus is EPD / FDES verified. The CO2 footprint is verifiably very low with approx. 10.5 kg of CO² /m² according to NFEN 15804 + A2. 100 % recycled plastic 92 % less CO2 emissions compared to PVC virgin material More than 100 decors that combine aesthetics and naturalness Long-lasting and minimal maintenance without chemicals Multiple recyclable / multi-recycling vinyPlus, vinyPlus Shadow, vinyPlus DRP & vinyPlus Quattro The green facade  Made from...

28/09/2024 -
Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

16/02/2025 -
Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

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