Vertical Gb

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VerticAL | Vertical aluminium formwork


The VerticAL formwork panel system is designed for the building of stringers, substructures, industrial and agricultural buildings.
Reliable and robust, the system can reduce assembly times on building sites, as well as production costs.
The vertical or horizontal panel installation increases the versatility of the VerticAL formwork.



VerticAL | Vertical aluminium formwork


ƒƒ Hand-portable formwork with reinforced aluminium chassis and
15 mm shuttering (plywood or
ƒƒ Lightweight panels convenient to use: average weight 22.50 kg/m2.
ƒƒ Very fast installation.
ƒƒ Accessories, safety devices, angle brackets, shoring to suit all sites.
ƒƒ Vertical reinforcements for lifting in total safety.

Dans la boutique

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