Trolley Stretcher Bench Brochure Issue 12

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Chiltern Invadex (UK) Limited Unit 6C Thorpe Drive, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 4UZ
01869 365500

Shower Trolley and Stretcher Ranges

Showering & Bathing Solutions

British Manufacturer

Shower Trolley, Stretcher & Bench
Showering solutions for home,
leisure and caring environments
The Chiltern Invadex range of shower trolleys and stretchers offer a safe and hygienic showering solution for those who require bathing in the supine or prone position with the aid of a carer.

Shower Stretcher Range

The standard range comprises three wall mounted

Used in conjunction with a ceiling mounted hoist, a

stretchers which have been carefully designed for

shower stretcher provides a cost effective solution to

use over a bath or in a wet room area.

patient bathing whilst reducing the risks associated with manual handling.

The intuitive fold up design allows stretchers to fold neatly against the wall when not in use providing

Providing a sturdy base, the shower stretcher range

full access to the bath as required.

can be used for bathing, drying and dressing.
In addition to the standard range, bespoke stretchers can be manufactured at our Oxfordshire facility to suit users with specific needs. This includes alterations to height, width, length and the addition of cot sides (TRT11 and TRT12).

The range has been developed and tested in accordance with international standards to provide confidence in a safe and robust product.

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