TR45190 | Teleskopen

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

TR45190 | Teleskopen

TR45190 | Technische Daten


Gewicht (unbeladen)


Langsame Fahrt (vorwärts/rückwärts)
Schnelle Fahrt (vorwärts/rückwärts)



Nennleistung (DIN 6271) bei 2200 U/min
Max. Drehmoment bei 1400U/min
Anzahl Zylinder



Anheben  ohne Last
Absenken  ohne Last
Teleskop einfahren bei max. Reichweite  ohne Last
Teleskop einfahren bei max. Höhe  ohne Last
Teleskop ausfahren bis max. Reichweite  ohne Last
Teleskop ausfahren bis max. Höhe  ohne Last




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Doosan Credo Our Vision We aspire to be a Proud Global Doosan  a leading innovator of products and services that improve the quality of life for people and communities around the world. We will achieve this by living the Doosan Credo. Guided by our Credo, we will drive our second 100 years of growth. Core Values Doosan s people are our greatest asset and the key to our future. They are at the heart of all our achievements. Our continued and distinguished success will only be possible through...

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E32 Compact Excavators E32 1520 mm dozer blade 320 mm rubber tracks Auto idle Auto shift travel Auxiliary hydraulics with Quick Couplers Blade float feature Cab light Clamp ready Control console locks Cupholder Engine/hydraulic monitor with shutdown Weights Fingertip auxiliary and offset hydraulic control Horn Hydraulic joystick controls Lockable storage compartment Radio/MP3 ready Retractable seat belt Suspension seat with high back * TOPS/ROPS canopy Two-speed travel Work lights (boom and...

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Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF