TR45190 | Telescopic Handlers -

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

TR45190 | Telescopic Handlers

TR45190 | Specifications


Weight (unladen)


Standard tyres
Standard tyres
Low speed (forward/reverse)
High speed (forward/reverse)

Drive System
Main drive


Make / Model
Rated power (DIN 6271) at 2200 RPM
Maximum torque at 1400 RPM
Number of cylinders

Hydraulic System
Pump type

Cycle Times

Lift time  no load
Lower time  no load
Telescope in time at max. reach  no load
Telescope in time at max. height  no load
Telescope out time at max. reach  no load
Telescope out time at max. height  no load


Engine braking
Parking brake

Fluid Capacities

Axles and reduction gears front / rear
Engine oil

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