TR40250 Rotary telescopic handler Specifications

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Telescopic Handlers

24500 mm
21100 mm
4000 kg
1700 kg
1500 kg
200 kg
400 kg
18410 mm
13000 mm

Weight (unladen)

17500 kg

Standard tyres
Low speed (forward/reverse)
High speed (forward/reverse)

18  R22.5in
10 km/h
40 km/h

Main drive

Hydrostatic with hydraulic regulation
2-speed gear box

Fuel / Cooling
Rated power (DIN 6271) at 2200 RPM
Maximum torque at 1400 RPM
Number of cylinders

Diesel / Liquid
106 kW (144 HP)
556 Nm
4.4 l

Pump type
Working pressure

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