TopDalle EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :









BV Cert. 6150814


TopDalle | High-performance safety slab formwork



The versatile TopDalle system suits every types of building: offices,
housing, residential care homes, correctional facilities, etc.
Simple and quick to install, the TopDalle system offers productivity of
30 m2/person/day at a height of 2.50 m.
Designed by the Alphi R&D office in collaboration with CARSAT
Rhône-Alpes, TopDalle formwork is compliant with the decree of September 2004 on falls from height thanks to its anti-tipping system for the secondary frames and controlled spacing of 13 cm between frames.
Fall from height NF E 85-014

Fall from ground level
NF E 85-014

Falling objects
NF E 85-014


Physical positions causing

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