TL470 | Telescopic Handlers -

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

TL470 | Telescopic Handlers

TL470 | Specifications

Drive System
Main drive


Make / Model
Rated power (DIN 6271) at 2200 RPM
Maximum torque at 1400 RPM
Number of cylinders

Hydraulic System
Pump type
Combined pump capacity

Cycle Times

Lift time - no load
Lower time - no load
Telescope in time at max. reach - no load
Telescope in time at max. height - no load
Telescope out time at max. reach - no load
Telescope out time at max. height - no load


Engine braking
Parking and emergency brake

Fluid Capacities

Axles and reduction gears front / rear
Engine oil
Fuel tank
Hydraulic reservoir

Standard Features

Aggravating Movements Arrester (AMA)
Hydrostatic transmission
ROPS/FOPS operator cab
Heating, demisting and ventilation
Front and rear washer/wipers

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