The platform concept drawer system. InnoTech - Hettich

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The platform concept drawer system.

Technik für Möbel

the drawer system for more convenience and better design in the kitchen

Design: perfection carried through to every last detail.


Surfaces: attractive materials skilfully designed.

Runners: Quadro  incredibly strong and quiet.

At the focus of home living, a new kitchen is an expression of personal lifestyle. The InnoTech drawer system provides a wealth of options for meeting personal wishes and needs  this gives your customers added value and you a mark of distinction.
InnoTech makes it easy and inexpensive to carry external design and materials through to the cabinet interiors. Perfect in form and function,
InnoTech adds convenience and captivating ideas to any space.

Interior organisation: a pleasure finding
everything in its place.

Interior organisation: solutions to suit
any taste.

Electromechanical opening:
Easys  take things easy.


InnoTech Platform concept economic mark of distinction




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