The Joubert Garant and Joubert Paint Garant panels with a 30 year guarantee : a quality that only Joubert can offer !

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The Joubert Garant and Joubert Paint Garant panels with a 30 year guarantee : a quality that only Joubert can offer !
After having conquered numerous international markets, the Joubert Group is once again showing its seriousness and savoir-faire by doubling the length of the guarantee of the Joubert Garant and Joubert Paint Garant plywoods to 30 years. Knowing that these products, for exterior use, are exposed to all weather conditions, one can better appreciate the performance of the Joubert Group, who continues to satisfy its clients and conceive plywood that are benchmarks.

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2, Place Cap Ouest - BP 169 - 17005 La Rochelle Cedex 1 - France Phone: +33 (0)5 46 50 15 15 - Fax: +33 (0)5 46 50 15 19 e-mail : - website :

doc. Joubert

Press release / may 2007

on ligne:

The Joubert products : a quality label
A recognized actor on the international plywood market and 2nd European manufacturer of okoume plywood, around 70% of Joubert's turnover ­ more than 50 million euros ­ is for export. The Group holds a choice place on the Dutch market, a market which is particularly demanding and one where the mark Joubert symbolizes quality.

The 30 year guarantee : a Joubert exclusivity
The Joubert Group is so sure of the reliability of its products that it has today taken on a commitment which is a real event on the plywood market for exterior use : doubling the length of the guarantee of it products Joubert Garant and Joubert Paint Garant. They are from now on guaranteed 30 years against the delamination of the interior cores and/or the outer layer. This production guarantee is a guarantee of origin given by Joubert to its clients. It is simply the longest extension of a guarantee of the market....



doc. Joubert

doc. Joubert

Joubert Garant and Joubert Paint Garant : 2 excellent products for exterior use
This guarantee is proof of the stability, the resistance and the longevity of the Joubert Garant and the Joubert Paint Garant. These panels, of NF Exterieur CTBX quality, answer the expectations of architects, contracting authorities and resellers and they adapt to all different uses : · Joubert Garant : Particularly stable and resistant, Joubert Garant is made from rigorously selected wood coming from managed forests. It has a constantly high performance in all the exterior applications it is used for.




· Joubert Paint Garant : Covered with a white melamine film on both faces (170 gr/m2), Joubert Paint Garant allies aestheticism with a quality of finish to facilitate the application of paint. Ideal for under-roofing, eaves fascia, façades...




Aesthetical and of minimum maintenance, these panels blend with all types of architecture. Their implementation is easy for maximum time saving. And for further proof of the quality of the Joubert Garant and Joubert Paint Garant, the KOMO certification, for which the requirements relative to the quality of the product are superior to those included in the CE marking.

doc. Joubert

Producing 70.000m3 of high quality plywood panels per year, the Joubert Group has 3 production sites, one situated at PortGentil (Gabon), employing 100 people and 2 production lines in France, which employs 270 people : one in Saint-Jean-d'Angèly (Charente-Maritime) and the other, the first historical unit of the Group, based at Les Eliots, Rouillac (Charente). In 2006, the Joubert Group, the 2nd European manufacturer of okoume plywood, has a turnover of more than 50 million euros, 70% of which is destined for exportation.
For all further details please contact:

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