The Beauty of Hettich

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The Beauty of Hettich
Being interested in great products that you can rely on for the long-term, and that I feel comfortable recommending to both clients and suppliers, I select Hettich. The German engineering, design and innovative products that are brought to the market are things that you just can t help being impressed by. The idea of a product that is German built and designed is a combination that always inspires confidence in both quality and longevity. This is a company that encourages innovation and rewards innovators with patents, including students whose ideas deserve recognition because after all,
great design is great design!
But it s very rare that you find a manufacturing company that will provide you with a top-to-bottom hardware solution for the entire kitchen and bathroom including a wide range of cabinet hinges, drawers, handles/knobs, lighting and storage solutions to choose from. They are the go to  source for perfect movement and kitchen flow. I could go on and on, but let s get focused-let s talk about two of my favourite products from Hettich... InnoTech  and Sensys  --- let s have a look at these two product lines that combine Hettich s European style and design with the popular soft close function that is becoming a standard in the industry. Here are some elements that really set Hettich apart in the market place and why I m always excited to use their product.

InnoTech : Hettich s drawer system and its pioneering soft close feature




Soft close feature ensures drawers never slam closed.
Drawers with weight carrying capacity s of 30kg and 50kg capable of handling the storage requirements of our modern kitchens
Colour options: Silver, White & Anthracite (metallic dark grey). The silver has a similar tone to stainless steel but does not leave those ever-noticeable fingerprints behind...and it s kinder on your pocket book!
For pot & pan drawers, there are numerous design element options one can choose from.
A testament to quality, Hettich s drawer slides use only steel ball bearings that run on steel tracks allowing for:
- Long-term performance and strength
- No true wear: Steel bearings do not wear down unlike plastic nylon substitutes
- Self cleaning: Debris is forced off the steel tracks by the steel bearings, ensuring a clean performance.
- Stronger stability: Steel-on-steel = strength.
100% Recyclable drawers and slides that do not use hazardous chemicals in the production process! Kind to both the user and the planet. Hats-off to this responsible corporation!

Sensys : Hettich s impressive soft closing hinge

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