T650 | Compact Loaders - LMM spol.s r.o.

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

T650 | Compact Loaders

T650 | Specifications
Rated operating capacity, ISO 14397 1
Tipping load
Pump capacity
Pump capacity (with high flow option)
System relief at quick couplers
Max. travel speed

1271 kg
3632 kg
87.10 L/min
115.50 L/min
23.8-24.5 MPa
10.6 km/h





Kubota / V3307-DI-TE3
55.4 kW
264.0 Nm
3331 cm3
103.30 L

Operating weight
Shipping weight

4585 kg
4322 kg

Vehicle steering
Loader hydraulics tilt and lift
Front auxiliary (standard)

Direction and speed controlled by two hand levers or joysticks (optional)

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