T300 Compact Tracked Loader Specifications

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Compact Loaders



Rated operating capacity
Tipping load
Pump capacity  T300
Pump capacity  T300H
System relief at Quick Couplers
Max. travel speed

1461 kg
4177 kg
80.2 l/min
151 l/min
22.4 23.1 MPa
10.6 km/h

Make / Model
Fuel / Cooling
Torque at 1500 RPM (SAE JI 995 Gross)
Number of cylinders
Fuel tank capacity

Kubota / V3800-DI-T-E3
Diesel / Liquid
58 kW
298 Nm
3769 cm3
113.5 l

Operating weight, T300
Operating weight, T300H

4401 kg
4421 kg

Vehicle steering
Loader hydraulics tilt and lift

Direction and speed controlled by two hand levers
Separate foot pedals or optional Advanced Control System

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