Sustainability Statement Blue Angel De Uz 76 Im0028010

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Overview of Pfleiderer products with Blue Angel certification DE-UZ 76
Pfleiderer products listed in the overview fulfil the Blue Angel requirement
ð· compliance with the provisions of the European and German chemicals legislation
(REACH Regulation Annexes XIV and XVII; Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) Regulation
Annex I; GefStoffV (Ordinance on Hazardous Substances); 25th BImSchV (25th Federal
Immission Protection Ordinance); CLP Regulation)
ð· of the legal origin of the timber in accordance with Regulation (EU) EUTR
ð· to the processed wood. For PEFC and FSC Mix labelled Pfleiderer products, 100 % of the wood from exemplary managed FSC as well as PEFC certified forests, reclaimed material and other controlled sources is used.

(FSC C011773)


ð· of a valid product-specific environmental product declaration (EPD) pursuant to DIN EN
ð· for maintaining indoor air quality with regard to emissions of volatile organic compounds

Requirement of DE-UZ 76 
final value 28th day

Pfleiderer Products with Blue Angel
 Certification DE-UZ 76

Total organic compounds  TVOC
Total organic compounds  TSVOC
Carcinogenic substances

"d 0.8 mg/m³
"d 0.1 mg/m³
"d 0.1 mg/m³
"d 80 µg/m³

complied with complied with unverifiably complied with

© Copyright 2022 Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH
This information has been compiled with the greatest care. Nevertheless we can assume no liability for the correctness, compl eteness and up-to-dateness of this information.
Colour deviations caused by the printing technology are possible. In view of the ongoing further development and adaptation of our products, possible amendments to the

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