STULZ CyberAir2 Brochure 0610 en

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IT Cooling Solutions

CyberAir 2  Precision Cooling Solutions
Making more efficient use of your resources

Maximum availability, minimum operating costs
Data centres are the hubs without which global real-time communication would be unthinkable. Therefore, today IT
downtime due to overheating servers inevitably entails considerable losses in turnover. Precise control of the air conditioning ensures that this IT lifeblood of the communications world continues pumping around the clock.


Example of energy distribution in a data centre

Your investment in the STULZ CyberAir 2 precision airconditioning system with energy-saving technology pays for itself in just a few years. Take a data centre in Berlin,
for example, with a ûoor area of 300 m² and a heat load of 1 kilowatt per m². Here, the STULZ CyberAir 2 with free cooling system has cut annual running costs from
¬ 102,397 to just ¬ 49,989 a year*.

Potential energy savings
36 %

* Source: STULZ comparison of system costs

Air conditioning
18 %

38 %

Efûcient environmental control with
STULZ CyberAir 2
The new CyberAir 2 stand-alone air-conditioning system from STULZ controls the conditions in the data centre with utmost precision, maximum reliability and energy efficiency. An intelligent electronic processor ensures that the CyberAir 2 consumes up to 60 % less electricity than conventional precision air-conditioning systems.
German engineering powered by STULZ
The CyberAir 2 embodies more than three decades of project experience by STULZ. No other precision air-conditioning system offers more flexibility than the CyberAir 2,
for each STULZ system is tailored to your requirements.
Designed for dependable, continuous operation over many years, the STULZ CyberAir 2 works quietly, reliably and exceptionally economically whilst keeping your IT
available all the time.

Dans la boutique

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