Stondeck Colour Sheet 2022 Eu Min

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Planners, contractors, operators and owners know there is much more to a parking structure than simply providing space for parked cars. Parking structures are public spaces that create a first impression and a lasting one. New construction or rehab, interior and exterior decks, stalls, ramps and entrances must be safe for pedestrians and vehicles with brightly lit, slip resistant, level surfaces that are able to withstand all types of temperatures and weather conditions, as well as corrosive materials (oils, petroleum, salts) and continuous vehicular traffic. And when all this performance is combined with strong design, you have a long-lasting, cost effective parking structure and a welcoming commercial space that extends to office buildings, hotels, stadiums, hospitals, universities, malls and airports.
Stonhard offers five tailor made formulations in a decorative colour palette to meet exterior and interior deck requirements;
Stondeck XD2, Stondeck XD4, Stondeck FD2, Stondeck FD2 HD and Stondeck FD4.









* Scarlet is available in XD2, FD2, FD2HD
All samples shown are coated. Stonhard coatings include high solids and solvent based urethanes. All coatings are available in the colours shown here.
Colour matching available with additional lead time, minimum order requirements and a slight premium. Colour reproductions are as accurate as modern photography and quality printing methods can produce. For actual colour please request a sample at
©2022 Stonhard



Colour sample demonstrating actual texture

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