Specsheet DRE Plus UK

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

DRE Plus
Electric industrial water heater
DRE Plus - 52/80


Powerful electric water heater that produces large amounts of hot water in a short time
DWH capacity from 339 to 1132 litres/hour at 50°C depending on the chosen appliance
Capacity: 173  264 litres
Because the unit has an external on/off function, you can control when to use external power supply. For example when you have supply from your PV panels


3 to 9 incoloy heating elements with a maximum output of 50.4 kW
Cascade control of the heating elements allows a more even and responsive heating of the water


All elements and thermostats are fuse-protected
PermaGlas Ultra Coat second-generation glass coating technology helps to prevent corrosion


The appliance can be adjusted according to DHW needs via the display, so that the appliance can function as energy-efficiently as possible


Thanks to the enameled elements, the exchangeable magnesium anode is less stressed
Targeted maintenance possible thanks to the display of the exact fault diagnosis on the elements

DRE Plus



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