Specifications Grader

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Graders | Attachments

Graders | Specifications
Main features


" Blade has a reversible cutting edge that is also easily replaceable.
" Bob-Tach!" mounted.
" Blade manually adjusts sideways up to 30 cm either way for the Grader 84 and hydraulically 33 cm either way for the Grader 96
and Grader 108.
" Optional laser control package for precise grade control in flatwork contracting.
" Attachment control kit must be installed on Bobcat loader to operate attachment.
" 3 cylinders for precise postioning of the blade
Item number

Grader 84
Grader 96
Grader 108

" Construction
" Road Development
" Landscaping

Compatible with loader
S130, S150, S160, S175, S185, S205, S220, S250, S300, S330, S630, S650, S770, A300, A770, T140, T190
S300, S330, S770, S850, A300, A770, T250, T300, T320, T650, T770, T870
S300, S330, S770, S850, A300, A770, T300, T320, T770, T870

Weights and dimensions
Grader 84
Grader 96
Grader 108

Operating weight (kg)

Shipping weight (kg)

Overall width (A) (mm)

Dans la boutique

Especificaciones de la telescópica T35120SL
Especificaciones de la telescópica T35120SL
01/12/2010 - www.bobcat.eu
T35120SL | Telescópicas T35120SL | Especificaciones técnicas Gráficos de carga Con horquillas y neumáticos TITAN 400/70 x 20 150B 166A2 LIFT RIGGER II 13 6 5 4 3 2 1 0m 1 13 9 2500 kg 12 11,53 11 10 9 8 8 2000 kg 7 6 8240 kg 7 6 750 kg

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09/12/2014 - www.bobcat.eu
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Precisienivelleren | Aanbouwdelen - Inter-Techno
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09/12/2014 - www.bobcat.eu
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