Spec Sheet Pump Stations Uk

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Pump stations

In the thermal solar energy range A.O. Smith can offer you 2 kinds of installations.
Firstly the solar systems that use thermal solar energy combined with an intelligent control system that makes the installation very energy efficient. This kind of installation is controlled by a high efficiency solar gas water heater. The combination of condensing high efficiency with thermal solar energy integrated in one solution minimizes the gas consumption of the installation.
A.O. Smith also provides installations for smaller applications in the configuration of indirect solar systems. These solar systems consist of an indirect tank which is connected to an already existing central heating system or boiler.
For any system you choose, A.O. Smith can deliver the required parts and several accessories.

Pump stations

A.O. Smith pump stations
Pump stations
A.O. Smith has a wide range of pump stations. These pump stations are suited for different applications. Special about this range is the fact that these pump stations can modulate to 15%. Therefore, even in periods of less solar contribution, the installation can generate a reasonable output.
All A.O. Smith pump stations are fitted with the necessary connections for filling the system with Glycol. Also the in- and outlet are fitted with valves. The pump station displays the flow of the Glycol in the installation. Manometer(s) and pressure relief valve are standard integrated.
SGE & SGS installations
There are 4 pump stations available for an SGE or SGS installation. Selecting the right pump station for the installation is based on the number of collectors in the system. These kind of pump stations are connected to the solar control of the SGE or SGS.
The pump stations are available for installations with or without drain back.
IT & ITS installations
A.O. Smith has four pump stations available for an indirect IT or ITS installation. The number of collectors in the installation is leading in the choice for one of these 4. The installation is controlled via an integrated control box in the pump station.
These pump stations are available for installations with or without drain back.

Pump station for SGE/SGS installation
The pump station for the SGE/SGS installation is delivered without control.
This pump station needs to be connected to the general intelligent solar control which is delivered with the water heater.

Pump station for ITE/ITS installation
The pump station for an ITE/ITS installation is delivered with control. This system has no control accept for the one in the pump station. Therefore this system will be controlled from the pump station.

More information
Please contact our Technical Support Group for further information via +31 40 294 2551
or tsg@aosmith.nl.

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