Spec Sheet It Uk

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Indirect calorifier
IT - 300/400/500/600/750/1000
IT - 1500/2000/2500/3000


Indirect water heater (calorifier) for a wide range of applications


Analogue temperature gauge (0-120°C)

Single-wall spiral heat exchanger
PermaGlas Ultra Coat second-generation glass coating technology prevents corrosion
Insulated ring base
Insulated access cover for comprehensive waterside maintenance
Replaceable magnesium anode
Options: Flexible magnesium anode for installation in confined areas
Powered anode for reduced maintenance requirements
Temperature and pressure valve with stainless steel spring set to 95°C
and a maximum water pressure of (10 bar) 1000 kPa
Electric element heat packs (3 - 36 kW)
Optional ancillaries: unvented kits
Destratification pump kit


IT 300

IT 400

IT 500

IT 600

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