Spec Sheet Insulation Uk

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Insulation material
The Energy To Meet Your Needs

In the thermal solar energy range A.O. Smith can offer you 2 kinds of installations.
Firstly the solar systems that use thermal solar energy combined with an intelligent control system that makes the installation very energy efficient. This kind of installation is controlled by a high efficiency solar gas water heater. The combination of condensing high efficiency with thermal solar energy integrated in one solution minimizes the gas consumption of the installation.
A.O. Smith also provides installations for smaller applications in the configuration of indirect solar systems. These solar systems consist of an indirect tank which is connected to an already existing central heating system or boiler.
For any system you choose, A.O. Smith can deliver the required parts and several accessories.

Innovation has a name.

Insulation material

Insulation material for solar system
A.O. Smith insulation material for the pipes of the solar system.
It is made of insulating material covered with an intricate polyester layer, UV resistant, water tight and bird resistant.
The insulation is:
" Made of EPDM a light, flexible, high density synthetic rubber; PVC and CFC free
" Building material class B2 according to DIN 52-275-2
" No decrease of copper and stainless steel piping according to DIN 1988, part 2
" Dimensions according to DIN 52-275-2
" On long term stable at temperatures of +125°C; short term stable at temperatures of +175°C
(stagnation temperature collectors)
" The characteristic value of conductivity at +40ºC »40ºC = 0.037 W/mK, at 0ºC »0ºC = 0.033 W/mK
" Ozon resistant
" UV resistant




Ø 22mm x 2m
Ø 28mm x 2m

Terms and conditions apply, please refer to our website.

Data subject to change UK/1110/Insulation material /01

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