Spec Sheet Innovo UK

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Condensing high efficiency water heater
IR 12-160/20-160/12-200/20-200/24-245/32-245/


Fully room-sealed condensing high efficiency water heater


Completely insulated, low stand by losses

Automatic gas/air premix burning system
Delivered with low-maintenance inert anodes
Efficiency 98% (gross)
Flexible flue option allows installations to be placed almost anywhere
Construction of the heat exchangers limits scaling effect
External on-/off- switch
Voltage-free contact for general fault indication to BMS
Maximum set point of 85°C
Easy access for maintenance and service; all components are accessible through the front cover
Suitable for plastic flue material
Suited for natural gas and butane/propane


Features and options

- Fully room-sealed condensing high-efficiency water heater
- Automatic gas/air premix burning system
- Delivered with low-maintenance inert anodes
- Efficiency 98% (gross)
- Flexible flue option allows installations to be placed almost anywhere
- Construction of the heat exchangers limits scaling effect
- External on-/off- switch

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