Securifix Alu Eng 1

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Use: Cement, metallic, wood structure...
Standard: EN 795 classe A 2012

Anchor point


Aluminium anchor


SECURIFIX® alu is a fall arrester system to secure an area inaccessible to the public

where there is a risk of falling.

SECURIFIX® alu is used with compliant PPE (lanyard, retractor, etc.). It can be installed

on all concrete, wood or metal supports.
In the event of specific constraints, our design office will be able to devise an appropriate solution.

Material : Aluminium
Finish : Micro-blasted or powdercoated
Setup: Delivered with manuals and drawings available online at:

REF : 100423
SECURIFIX® alu grey RAL 7038.

Fixing : 2 M12
Spacing: 100 mm

REF : 100077
SECURIFIX® alu micro-blasted.

Fixing: 2 M12
Spacing: 100 mm

The SECURIFIX® alu is our reference anchor point. Recognised worldwide for its quality by construction companies.
Largely dimensioned, with a double M12 fixing dowel, it can be used in all positions.It supports up to 3 users simultaneously.
As a result of its attractive and discreet design, it has been installed on highranking and prestigious monuments.

Available with support made of galvanised or stainless steel.Specific RAL colour upon request.
Our design office is at your disposal to offer. you tailor-made solutions for each situation..

Additional information

Dans la boutique

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