S70 Skid Steer Loader Specifications

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S70 | Compact Loaders

S70 | Specifications
Machine Rating
Rated operating capacity (ISO 14397-1) Tipping load (ISO 14397-1) Pump capacity System relief at quick couplers Max. travel speed 343 kg 686 kg 37.00 L/min 20.7 MPa 9.8 km/h Kubota / D1005-E3B-BC-3 Diesel Liquid 16.8 kW 62.8 Nm 3 1001 cm3 24.60 L 1268 kg 1109 kg Direction and speed controlled by two hand levers Separate foot pedals Lateral movement of right-hand steering lever Infinitely variable tandem hydrostatic piston pumps, driving two fully reversing hydrostatic motors Operator cab 1 Parking brake Rear and top window Seat belt Seat bar Spark arrestor muffler CE certification Warranty: 12 months or 2000 hours (whichever occurs first)


Make / Model Fuel Cooling Max power @ 3000 RPM (SAE J1995) Torque at 2200 RPM (SAE J1349) Number of cylinders Displacement Fuel tank





Operating weight Shipping weight (w/o bucket)

Vehicle steering Loader hydraulics tilt and lift Front auxiliary

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I)

3051.0 mm 1814.0 mm 25° 141.0 mm 722.0 mm 1925.0 mm 2472.0 mm 22° 1934.0 mm

(J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (Q)

2399.0 mm 400.0 mm 34° 97° 914.0 mm 1557.0 mm 752.0 mm 901.0 mm

Angle Brooms Augers Backhoes Boring Units Breakers Combination Buckets Cutter Crushers Dirt Buckets Dumping Hoppers General Purpose Buckets Grapples, Farm - Utility Grapples, Industrial Landplanes Miscellaneous Pallet Fork Accessories Pallet Forks, Standard Root Grapples Scrapers Snowblowers Snow V-Blades Soil Conditioners Stump Grinders Sweepers Tillers Trenchers Utility Blades

Drive System

Standard Features
Automatically activated glow plugs Bob-TachTM frame Bobcat Interlock Control System (BICS) Front auxiliary hydraulics High-back cushion suspension seat Instrumentation Lift arm support 23 x 5.70-12, 4­ply, Narrow tyres Operating lights, front and rear

1. Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS) ­ meets requirements of SAE-J1040 and ISO 3471

Cab enclosure with heating 23 x 8.50-12 6-ply, heavy duty tyres Back-up alarm


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