Reynaers Aluminium Comfort Motorisation Brochure 2023 0

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Comfort motorisation
Product brochure

Together for better

Concealed slide motor


HiFinity is a premium system, only produced by certified fabricators. The


concealed slide motor allows you to open vents with the push of a button, or by


On-site auto-calibration for all lengths

connecting the motor to your home automation system.


Minimum vent length 1300 mm and minimum 650 mm horizontal movement


On-site automatic safety-calibration for installation sensitivity check

This high performance motor guarantees optimum convenience. It is a safe and reliable solution that provides an infinite view in excellent comfort. Despite its minimal visual sidelines, HiFinity's durable strength allows you

Fully concealed motor, no need for architects to worry about building construction adaptations or maximal ceiling height usage


Up to 8 slide motors in +80 synchronised solutions for opening design freedom


Project support and tested up to 1200 kg / 20.000 cycles


Adaptive speed profile for maximum safety


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