Regent Lighting Selection EN 2021

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :



It is often only in retrospect that people become aware of their part in a monumental transformation in what are exciting and moving times. The digitalisation of our lives, the accessibility of all kind of information via the Internet and even artificial intelligence have all become integral parts of our existence; these changes have taken place almost silently and without the fanfare that usually accompanies such immense changes.
To coincide with this, artificial light has also undergone an almost unnoticed revolution.
After thousands of years of being reliant on daylight and fire as their sole sources of light,
people are now suddenly able to change their artificial lighting almost arbitrarily. For those of us who work in the field of lighting design, this has opened up completely new avenues and possibilities that would have been unimaginable 25 years ago.
The enormous impact that this development in lighting has had on our social life is portrayed impressively in this illustrated book by Regent Lighting. You will no doubt be surprised at the speed with which this paradigm shift has taken place and at how much you, as a human being, have played a part in it.
It only remains for me to wish you much enjoyment whilst reading!
With best wishes
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Schulz
Licht Kunst Licht AG





26 | Customisation

134 | Roche Bau 10

80 | New Work

138 | Motorex

120 | Education

142 | Brawand Zimmerei

172 | Human Centric Lighting

146 | Planzer Logistics Centre

204 | Home Office

150 | Actemium

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