Regent Lighting Leaflet Channel S 2022

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Perfectly shaped diversity





Perfectly shaped diversity
CHANNEL S creates a pleasant atmosphere in any room. Its elegant appearance and firstclass lighting quality make it particularly appealing for offices and adjoining zones. The extremely slender CHANNEL S is available in a wide variety of versions, with four different optics and several mounting options that allow the greatest scope in lighting planning.
However, the luminaire does not only provide high-quality light and planning precision,
but also makes a noticeable contribution to people's well-being thanks to the integrated
Tunable White technology. So slim yet packed with sophisticated technology. CHANNEL S
unites versatility with standard-compliant workplace lighting in a perfect form.

with opal diffuser RUN or office-compatible diffuser RUN+

with asymmetric diffuser

with louvre optics

with indirect light component and illumination of the ceiling

Sleek and timeless design offers unique

Tunable White technology for increased

lighting moments


CHANNEL S is a particularly dainty line of light measuring

CHANNEL S is not only available in the fixed colour temper-

only 65 mm in width and 60 mm in height without visible

atures warm white (3000 K) or neutral white (4000 K),

Dans la boutique

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