Regent Lighting Folder TORUS 2023 EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

A vision came true





Unique shape,
versatile application

TORUS is the realization of a vision of
Ilg Santer Architects and Licht Kunst Licht. A particularly elegant and refined luminaire that fits countless architectural styles thanks to its organic, ring-shaped design.

TORUS elegantly combines direct and indirect lighting components. It thus not only enables room-radiating, indirect light with simultaneous accentuation, but also offers numerous design possibilities for impressive lighting atmospheres.

Flexible mounting option
The TORUS ceiling luminaire is available as a surface-mounted ceiling luminaire and as a pendant luminaire.
The pendant version is available as a tubular or cable pendant luminaire with a pendant length of up to three meters.

Lighting mood of your choice
By individually controlling the downlight and the aura, the same luminaire makes the room appear completely different.

Wireless control
TORUS is available as DALI version or with
MyLights Remote Casambi control.

read the full story:

Ceiling light

Product range overview

Mounting type

Dans la boutique

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