Regent Lighting Folder TEA GLASS 2023 EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

A drop of light





Premium glass pendant luminaire
The unique pendant luminaire was designed by
Herzog & de Meuron to inspire and captivate people with its lightweight and almost floating look.
Offering both direct and indirect shares of light,
TEA GLASS lets you elegantly combine accent and ambient lighting, and the illuminated light guide is a striking highlight, especially at night.

Light guide creates unique effect
Its light guide is an aesthetic particularity  the light flows beautifully from the ceiling along the pendant into the drop-shaped luminaire body.
TEA GLASS creates a fascinating effect and captivates people.

Perfect for effective arrangements

Flexible mounting option

Adapt TEA GLASS to your individual needs

The impressively illuminated light guide can be

or hang several luminaires at different heights

easily shortened on site to the desired length.

for an even more striking effect.

TEA GLASS is guaranteed to attract attention wherever and however you place it.

Established design in a new guise
TEA GLASS has adorned various buildings for years. Now, the unique design shines even more brilliantly thanks to the new, high-quality glass body. TEA GLASS is solid and makes a

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