Regent Lighting Folder NEO EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Unlock the power within





Ready for your bright future.
Break out of the usual lighting matrix and enter a completely new dimension of light. Awaken your room from the darkness and let yourself be seduced by the choice between NEO and NEO+.

Both versions always guarantee standard-compliant lighting for office environments. With NEO+
you achieve the highest level of glare control: With a luminance of less than 1,500 cd/m², NEO+ is the ideal choice for particularly demanding visual tasks.
Thanks to the integrated MDA 3.0 module, NEO and
NEO+ are ready for the IoT solution MyData Analysis and as standard.

Single-user detection
Maximum glare control

Ideal for single workstations as well as for double workstations. Thanks to two

NEO has a UGR of less than 10 and

separate motion sensors, NEO / NEO+

luminance levels of less than 3,000 cd/

always detects the ideal area.

m², creating a pleasant working atmosphere without annoying glare. The
NEO+ version with impressive luminance levels of less than 1,500 cd/m² sets new standards in glare-free lighting.

MyData Analysis 3.0 (MDA 3.0)
Luminaire infrastructure as a data source: Our optional smart building system offers new possibilities for building management and helps to optimise space utilisation and operating

Dans la boutique

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