Regent Lighting Folder LIGHTPAD EVOLUTION 2023 EN 01

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

The new Benchmark





The upgrade for your workplace
It is unmistakably the LIGHTPAD. New in an even slimmer and more beautiful design, with even better light quality with color rendering index higher 90,
even more flexible with even more variants for even more table arrangements and even more individual,
convenient and quicker configurable with smartphone or tablet thanks to the Flash MyLight web app.
The new benchmark.
Flash MyLight

Its simple design with clean, elegant lines makes

Simple, individual luminaire Configura-

LIGHTPAD a timeless classic in office lighting. The

tion via Flash MyLight browser applica-

slim freestanding luminaire fits unobtrusively and flexibly into any interior. LIGHTPAD is available as a single, double, triple and quad head version in va-

tion on mobile phone, tablet or laptop.

rious arrangements and easily illuminates up to four

Intelligent daylight management with

workstations simultaneously.

presence detection to save electricity.

Makes luminaires in the environment light up slightly dimmed so that working alone does not feel lonely.

Dans la boutique

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