Regent Lighting Folder JOKER 2023 EN 01

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Precisely personal





The revolutionary table luminaire

JOKER lets your workplace shine in your personal light. This flexible table lamp not only produces the best office-quality light, but can also be easily placed on the desk and moved around.
Moreover, JOKER fully adapts to your personal needs with individually adjustable lighting mood.
Create your micro-atmosphere at the touch of a button.

Innovative optics
Thanks to its innovative lighting technology with asymmetrical light distribution for maximum visual comfort, JOKER guarantees targeted and at the same time personalised lighting of the workplace. Without glare and without multiple shadows.

Personalised light
The integrated Tunable White technology enables individual control of the colour temperature, creating personalised lighting scenes according to the user's needs.

Slim and compact design
Clean lines and modern design create a visual and aesthetic highlight on any desk. Thanks to its small footprint, JOKER also takes up hardly any space.

read the full story:

Table luminaire

Product range overview

Dans la boutique

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