REGENT LIGHTING Broschuere Upcycling EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Upcycling by Regent Lighting from old to new






Upcycling-Service by Regent Lighting
Upcycling instead of throwing away
From now on we offer our exclusive upcycling service. The existing conventional light sources can be replaced on site by new Regent LED-Upgrade-Kits. If on-site replacement is not possible, the luminaires will be converted at our manufacturing facility in Basel.
We grant a 5-year warranty on the new LED-Upgrade-Kits CE certified by Regent. The product liability remains with Regent Lighting. In addition, we offer a comparative measurement
(before-after) if required.
If you decide in favor of Upcycling by Regent Lighting, you and your company contribute to a sustainable raw material cycle. Existing luminaires are given a new lease of life with the LED-Upgrade-Kits, resulting in significant electricity savings. The old conventional light sources are professionally disposed of and recycled.


Upcycling for the future
Exemplify sustainability
Conventional fluorescent lamps will soon be a thing of the past: As part of the global drive for sustainable environmental protection, it is also time to invest in new lighting solutions.
The consumption of electrical energy is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. So take the first step today - for sustainable, long-lasting luminaires and climate protection. Regent Lighting not only supplies you with the appropriate high-quality products with contemporary and energy-efficient LED technology, but also provides you with competent and solution-oriented advice based on its extensive experience. From person to person.

All advantages of the upcycling at a glance
Enhanced light quality


Product liability / warranty

With the replacement of the

By replacing the existing lumi-

Our LED-Upgrade-Kits meet all

Dans la boutique

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