équipbaie métalexpo 2010, the show for new trends in openings and metals

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march 2010

équipbaie métalexpo 2010, the show for new trends in openings and metals

Widely regarded by the whole of the building industry as the show for new trends in openings and metals, équipbaie métalexpo will take place this year in Hall 1 of Paris Porte de Versailles,

Unanimously acknowledged
It is able to bring together in one place and at one time all the significant innovation in the world of openings and metal fittings for construction. It is this effectiveness that is so highly appreciated by a broad range of customers and principals, specifiers (architects, interior designers, design offices), distributors, contractors and tradesmen, as well as the manufacturers of products and the suppliers of machines and components. Each équipbaie métalexpo serves as an outstanding platform for meetings and discussions that is recognized and greatly appreciated by all these professionals for the volume of contacts generated. This undoubtedly explains the high level of loyalty to the show amongst both exhibitors and visitors. Currently, with 8 months to go until the show opens its doors, équipbaie métalexpo is already 85% sold.
doc. équipbaie métalexpo

from Tuesday 16 th to Friday 19th November 2010.
At the heart of one of the most innovative sectors in the construction industry, the show is dedicated to openings in buildings and their fittings in all their forms: frames, blinds and shutters, glazing products, solar protection, as well as metalwork used in construction (metal millwork, fittings, decoration, metals items, metal fireplace fittings). This biennial show has established itself as the reference event for its industry.

2, place Cap-Ouest - BP 20169 - 17005 La Rochelle Cedex 1 Tél. 05 46 50 15 15 - Fax 05 46 50 15 19 E-mail: agence.schilling@n-schilling.com Photos can be downloaded from www.n-schilling.com on request Web site: www.n-schilling.com

doc. équipbaie métalexpo

Exhibitors talk about their attachment to the show
Benjamin Bonnard, Marketing Director of Franciaflex
« ...The show has become `the reference' for all the trades associated with openings, since it is the only event that brings together a comprehensive range of exhibits for our four fields of business: shutters, fittings, interior and exterior, blinds. There is a real coherence within this speciality of Franciaflex, which is the only company to offer optimal solutions for the energy aspects of openings, combining the four product universes present at équipbaie métalexpo. équipbaie métalexpo offers us the opportunity to meet the market and our customers, to understand their expectations over a short but intense period of time packed with exchanges of information..." » and that are also highly qualified ones. Our partners regularly visit us and we receive them under ideal conditions to present our latest patented innovations that will become the standards of tomorrow... »

Fabrice Millet, Managing Director Millet
« ... équipbaie métalexpo is a show that attracts more and more of our customers and we wish to present our 2010 innovations to them; in particular our new concept for multi-material fittings, which won us a bronze at Batimat, as well as the special Energy Efficiency Award... »

Jean-Claude Koch, Director of Socomal
« ... We greatly appreciate the quantity and the quality of the professional contacts that we make at the show with our converting customers. For our metalwork customers, équipbaie métalexpo represents the meeting place for our entire profession... »

Agnès Tordo, Communications Manager Tordo Belgrano
« ... équipbaie métalexpo is the only wide ranging international show that fully concentrates on our targets and that guarantees us both visitor numbers that are in line with our expectations

A show at the very heart of developments... Energy efficiency and accessibility
The publication this summer of the new 2012 Thermal Regulations will position équipbaie métalexpo at the very heart of developments through its a presentation of product and equipment innovations designed to improve energy efficiency, safety and security and comfort. A clearly identified "Energy Efficiency" visitor trail will highlight all the new products exhibitors have flagged up for visitors. Accessibility is another important topical theme in the world of Building. This is attracting strong interest amongst exhibitors, and it too will served by a second dedicated innovation trail for visitors

équipbaie métalexpo, catalyst and vector of information
Targeted conferences...
In 2010 the openings sector finds itself confronted by a stricter and stricter regulatory environment (Grenelle de l'environnement, 2012 Thermal Regulations, accessibility of buildings, waste treatment, eco-renovation...) and technological (r)evolutions such as the development of home automation or photovoltaics on external walls. In the face of such rapid developments, équipbaie métalexpo is organizing a comprehensive programme of conferences to allow all the stakeholders (specifiers, contractors, manufacturers...) to survey the latest advances in regulations, the most striking technological innovations and to discover model projects pointing the way to the buildings of tomorrow. Two half-days will be dedicated to presentations by recognized architects, who will talk about current projects where environmental requirements, "intelligent walls" and architectural excellence are reconciled.

The Performance Awards
After the acknowledged success of the Performance Awards in 2008, they are returning in 2010. Their purpose is to provide recognition for the best performing technical innovations in each of the activities associated with openings and their fittings, as well as all the uses of metals in construction. At the heart of the show, the innovation space will present all the best performing products that have been shortlisted as well as the winning products announced at the awards ceremony on the evening of Tuesday 16 th November.

For any further information:

www.equipbaie-metalexpo.com, A new site dedicated to the show
In order to serve the range of trades associated with the show and to offer a navigation aid that reflects its efficient and friendly approach, a new web site has been built and has recently gone online at: www.equipbaie-metalexpo.com Check it out right away and make full use of it.

équipbaie métalexpo Reed Expositions France
52-54, quai de Dion-Bouton - CS 800001 92800 Puteaux Cedex Tél. +33 (0)1 47 56 51 72 Fax +33 (0)1 47 56 50 75 info@equipbaie-metalexpo.com www.equipbaie-metalexpo.com

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